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Issue 56, Volume 64
Special Edition, Page 6
Royal Gazette

22 November 2490


As the Emergency Decree for the Protection of Peace in Order to Enable the Implementation of the (Interim) Constitution Dated 9 November 2490 Buddhist Era, 2490 BE, has already been promulgated, the Government would like to take this opportunity to address the people for good understanding about the necessity to enact the said Emergency Decree.

Now, the party of military officers that carried out the coup has already entrusted the Government with the exercise of the absolute power to implement policy and handle the public services of the Country. But the situation at this moment cannot really be considered normal yet. Thus, for peace and order which would surely ensure tranquility of the Nation, and for the advance prevention of unfavourable incidents which could occur, the Government comes to think of the examples which have taken place after coups, in which there would often be some groups or bands of people conspiring together to resist and obstruct the implementation of what the coup parties had done. For this purpose, it is appropriate