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Issue 56, Volume 64
Special Edition, Page 7
Royal Gazette

22 November 2490

to furnish the military with certain powers, such as the power to seize firearms, ammunition, and explosives, which may be exercised to suppress and prevent unfavourable incidents that could occur. And these powers are governed by a provision in the Emergency Decree, which decrees that they only be exercised in cases of necessity. In addition, the mentioned powers are given for a fixed period of time, that is, not over three months at most. Furthermore, there are examples, which have been observed in foreign countries, of granting such powers as these to the military after coups. Therefore, the Government hopes that all the people would realise the necessity and would be willing to help each other maintain peace of the Country, so that the promulgated Constitution would be implemented without difficulty.

Office of the Prime Minister
21th day of November 2490