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Volume 79, Special Issue
Special Edition, Page 9
Royal Gazette

23 November 2505

Section11.A person for whom the creation of a family name has been registered may permit any Thai national to share such family name by making an application to a local registrar of the locality in the household register of which his name is contained according to the law on civil registration.

The granting of permission according to this section shall be valid only when the local registrar has issued to the person who is to use the family name a certificate indicating that the use of the family name has been permitted.

Section12.A woman who has a husband shall use the family name of the husband.

Section13.A woman whose marriage ends by divorce shall return to her former family name.

Section14.A woman whose marriage ends by death of her husband shall use the family name of the husband.

Section15.A person fostering children or owning a hospital, asylum, or child maintenance institution who desires to register the creation of family names for joint or separate use by the foster children or children at the said place who are Thai nationals without family names, shall make an application to a local registrar of the locality in the household register of which the name of the foster person is contained according to the law on civil registration or of the locality where the said place is, and the stipulations of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of section 9 shall apply mutatis mutandis.