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Volume 79, Special Issue
Special Edition, Page 10
Royal Gazette

23 November 2505

Section16.If desiring to change the given name or secondary name, a person who already has a given name or secondary name shall make an application to a local registrar of the locality in the household register of which his name is contained according to the law on civil registration. When the local registrar finds that the new given name or secondary name applied for is not contrary to this Act, he shall grant the application and issue a certificate indicating the change to [the applicant].

Section17.If desiring to create a new family name, a person who already has a family name shall make an application to a local registrar of the locality in the household register of which his name is contained according to the law on civil registration, and the provisions of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of section 9 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Section18.In the event that a local registrar gives an order refusing to register a family name, the applicant for registration of the family name has the right to appeal the order of the local registrar to the Minister within thirty days from the day he learns of the order. The appeal shall be filed with the local registrar.

The ruling of the Minister shall be final.

Section19.Whoever wishes to use a royally conferred name owned by himself, by his ascendant, or by his descendant as his family name shall make an application to a local registrar of the locality in the household register of which his name is contained according to the law on civil registration, and the local registrar shall further submit it to [the relevant officers] according to their order [of precedence] until it reaches the central registrar.