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Volume 113, Number 60A
Page 19
Royal Gazette

14 November 2539

Section62.A person to whom a measure for administrative execution is applied may file an appeal against such administrative execution.

An appeal against administrative execution shall follow the same criteria and procedure as those for an appeal against an administrative order.

Section63.If any provision of law has established a specific measure for administrative execution but an authority finds that such measure is likely to bring about less effect than any measure under this Chapter, the authority may apply a measure under this Chapter instead.

Section64.When a time limit is designated in days, weeks, months, or years, the first day thereof shall not be included in calculation, save where the act in question is commenced on that very day or an authority otherwise designates.

In the case that an authority has the duty to carry out any act within a designated period of time, the last day thereof shall be included in calculation, even though it is his holiday.

In the case that any person has to do anything within a period of time designated by the law or by an order of an authority, if the last day is a holiday for an authority or is a conventional holiday for the recipient of the order, the period of time shall be deemed to conclude on the working day that follows such holiday, save where the law or an order of an authority otherwise designates.

Section65.A period of time designated in an order of an authority may be extended, and if the period of time has already concluded, the authority may also give it a retroactive extension when it would be unfair to let it conclude as it originally would.

Section66.In the case that any person is prevented, by necessary circumstances arising not out of his fault, from doing anything within a period of time designated by the law, an authority may, upon his application, extend the period of time and renew any action which has already lapsed. In this respect, the application must be filed within fifteen days from the conclusion of those circumstances.

Section67.When an appeal has been made in accordance with the provisions of Part 5 of Chapter 2 of this Act or an application has been filed with a commission for ruling of disputes or with the Commission for Ruling of Petitions under the law