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Volume 113, Number 60A
Page 20
Royal Gazette

14 November 2539

on the Council of State so as to have it ruled upon, limitation shall be interrupted and shall not be counted during such time until the consideration is finalised or otherwise terminated. But if it is terminated because the application is withdrawn or abandoned, the limitation governing the claim of the applicant shall be deemed to have never been interrupted at all.

Section68.The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the notification which cannot be made in oral or written form or is furnished with a different procedure by the law.

In the case that an administrative order is made known in a different form of meaning expression as designated by a ministerial regulation, it shall become effective upon being notified.

Section69.The notification of an administrative order, schedule of a proceeding, or other matter which an authority is required to make to a relevant person may be made in oral form, but if such person wishes to have it made in written form, the notification shall be made in written form.

In making a notification in written form, the written notification shall be sent to such person. If sent to his domicile, the notification shall be deemed received at the time of its arrival.

When an address has been given to an authority for the carrying out of any action, a notification made to such address shall be deemed to have been made to his domicile.

Section70.As regards a written notification delivered through a messenger, if the recipient refuses to accept it or is not found at the time of the delivery and if it is delivered to any person who has attained majority and is present or working at that place or, in the case of refusal, it is placed or posted up at an easily seen spot at that place in the presence of an authority designated by a ministerial regulation who is in attendance as a witness, it shall be deemed to have been received.

Section71.A notification sent through a postal service with advice of receipt shall be deemed received upon fulfilment of the period of seven days from the day it is sent, in the case of domestic delivery, or upon fulfilment of the period of fifteen days from the day it is sent, in the case of international delivery, save where it is successfully proved that the notification has never been received or was received therebefore or thereafter.

Section72.In the case that there are more than fifteen recipients, the authority may inform them at the commencement of the proceedings concerned that notifications will be made to them by means of posting up at the office of the authority and at the offices of the districts where they are domiciled. In this event, the notifications shall be deemed received upon expiry of the period of fifteen days from the day the said means of notification is employed.