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Volume 113, Number 60A
Page 23
Royal Gazette

14 November 2539

Section83.In holding a meeting, written minutes of the meeting must be kept.

If there is a dissenting opinion, the dissenting opinion and the reasons therefor shall be recorded in the minutes, and if members in the minority submit dissenting opinions in writing, those dissenting opinions shall also be recorded.

Section84.A ruling of a commission for ruling of disputes must contain the signatures of the members of the commission who make it.

If any member has a dissenting opinion, he shall have the right to express his dissenting opinion and include it in the ruling.

Section85.The Rules of the Office of the Prime Minister on the Performance of Public Affairs by State Agencies in the Interest of the People 2532 BE shall be deemed to be the rules laid down by the Cabinet in accordance with section 33 of this Act.

Section86.All the applications for administrative orders received by authorities before the coming into force of this Act shall be considered by the authorities in accordance with the criteria designated by the laws or regulations governing them.

Section87.Once administrative courts have been established, the provisions of section 48 shall be repealed.

Banharn Silpa-archa
Prime Minister