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Volume 113, Number 60A
Page 22
Royal Gazette

14 November 2539

Section78.Subject to section 76, no member of a commission for ruling of disputes shall be removed from his position before the fulfilment of his term, save in the cases of gross neglect of duty or serious misconduct.

Section79.Subject to section 15, paragraph 2, a meeting of a commission must be attended by at least one half of the members in order to establish a quorum, save where a provision of the law, or regulation, or order which establishes such commission designates otherwise.

In the case that the number of the members is sufficient to establish a quorum but the matter to be considered is one which has been adjourned on account of a lack of quorum, if it is a meeting of any other commission than a commission for ruling of disputes, and the matter in question has been scheduled to be reconsidered within fourteen days from the day of the adjourned meeting, and this subsequent meeting is attended by not less than one third of the total number of the members, it shall be deemed that a quorum is established, but the intention to bring about the effect under these provisions must also be specified in the meeting scheduling letter.

Section80.Meetings shall follow the agendas designated by the commission.

The scheduling of a meeting must be made in writing and notified to every member not less than three days in advance, save where the member in question has already been informed of the schedule at a meeting, in which case scheduling letters may only be issued to the members that did not attend such meeting.

The provisions of paragraph 2 shall not apply in the case of urgent need, in which the president of the commission may schedule a meeting in a different manner.

Section81.The president of a commission has the power and duty to conduct meetings, and in order to maintain order at a meeting, the president shall have the power to issue any orders as necessary.

If the president is absent from a meeting or is unable to perform his duties, the vice president shall act in his stead. If there is no vice president or there is one but he is unable to perform the duties, the members attending the meeting shall select one amongst themselves to act instead.

In the case that the president has the duty to do any other thing than conducting a meeting, the dispositions of paragraph 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Section82.The adoption of a resolution by a meeting shall be based upon the majority of votes.

In voting, one member shall have one vote. If the votes are tied, the president of the meeting shall give one additional vote as the casting vote.

If any matter is objected by no one, the president shall ask the meeting if there is any other opinion. If there is no other opinion, the meeting shall be deemed to have adopted a resolution in favour of the matter.