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Volume 113, Number 60A
Page 3
Royal Gazette

14 November 2539

"regulation" refers to a royal decree, ministerial regulation, ministerial announcement, local byelaw, rule, regulation, or other provision which is generally applicable without being intended for any specific case or person;

"commission for ruling of disputes" refers to a legally established commission which is organised and invested with a procedure for ruling upon legal rights and duties;

"authority" refers to a person, body of persons, or juristic person that exercises or authorised to exercise an administrative power of the State for the carrying out of any action according to the law, irrespective of whether or not being part of the system of a public service, state enterprise, or other state affair;

"participant" refers to a person who files an application or objects to an application, a person who is subjected or about to be subjected to an administrative order, or a person who has joined an administrative proceeding for the reason that his rights would be affected by the effects of an administrative order.

Section6.The Prime Minister shall be in charge of the execution of this Act and shall have the power to issue ministerial regulations and announcements for the execution of this Act.

Those ministerial regulations and announcements shall come into force upon their publication in the Royal Gazette.

Section7.There shall be a commission called the "Administrative Procedure Commission", composed of a person as the President and the Permanent Secretary for the Office of the Prime Minister, the Permanent Secretary for Interior, the Secretary General of the Cabinet, the Secretary General of the Civil Service Commission, the Secretary General of the Council of State, and not less than five but not more than nine other qualified persons as Members.

The Cabinet shall appoint the President and qualified Members from amongst the persons expert in legal science, public administration science, political science, social science, or administration of public affairs of the State, but they must not be holders of political positions.

The Secretary General of the Council of State shall appoint a Secretary and Assistant Secretaries from amongst the public officials of the Office of the Council of State.

Section8.A Member appointed by the Cabinet shall hold his position for a term of three years. A Member who has retired from his position may be reappointed.