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Volume 113, Number 60A
Page 4
Royal Gazette

14 November 2539

In the case where a Member has retired from his position by rotation but no new Member has yet been appointed, such Member shall perform the duties for the time being until a new Member is appointed.

Section9.Apart from retirement by rotation according to section 8, a Member appointed by the Cabinet retires from his position upon removal by a resolution of the Cabinet or upon any of the causes under section 76.

Section10.The Office of the Council of State shall serve as the secretariat of the Administrative Procedure Commission, which is responsible for administrative works, meeting works, conduct of studies and research, and all activities related to the works of the Administrative Procedure Commission.

Section11.The Administrative Procedure Commission has the following powers and duties:

(1)to monitor, oversee, and provide advice concerning the works carried out by authorities in the execution of this Act;

(2)to provide to authorities counsel concerning the execution of this Act as requested by them, subject to the criteria designated by the Administrative Procedure Commission;

(3)to issue written summonses requiring authorities or any other persons to appear and give explanations or opinions for consideration;

(4)to propose the enactment of royal decrees and issuance of ministerial regulations or announcements in accordance with this Act;

(5)to produce reports concerning the execution of this Act and submit them to the Cabinet from time to time as appropriate, but at least once a year, in order to develop and improve to the performance of administrative affairs by increasing its fairness and efficiency;

(6)others as assigned by the Cabinet or Prime Minister.

Section12.An administrative order must be made by the authority who has the powers and duties therefor.

Section13.The following authorities shall be prohibited from conducting administrative proceedings: