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Volume 113, Number 60A
Page 7
Royal Gazette

14 November 2539

Section22.A person capable of acting in an administrative proceeding must be—

(1)a person who has attained majority;

(2)a person who is capacitated to act in designated matters by a specific legal provision, even though he has not yet attained majority or his capacity is limited by the Civil and Commercial Code;

(3)a juristic person or body of persons according to section 21, as the case may be, by acting through a representative or agent;

(4)a person who is capacitated to act in designated matters by an announcement of the Prime Minister or person authorised by the Prime Minister as published in the Royal Gazette, even though he has not yet attained majority or his capacity is limited by the Civil and Commercial Code.

Section23.In an administrative proceeding which requires a participant to appear before an authority, the participant has the right to bring his own attorney-at-law or counsel into the administrative proceeding.

Any acts done by the attorney-at-law or counsel before the participant shall be deemed to have been done by the participant, save where the participant raises an objection at that time.

Section24.A participant may, in written form, appoint any person who has attained majority to do any designated acts in an administrative proceeding on his behalf. In this respect, the authority may conduct the administrative proceeding with the participant only when the participant has the duty to do the act in question in person and the appointee has been notified thereof.

Section25.In the case where an application is filed by more than fifty joint signatories or more than fifty participants file applications containing identical or similar texts, if any person is mentioned therein as their agent or could be understood therefrom to be as such, the person thus named shall be deemed the joint agent of those participants.

In the case where more than fifty participants apply for the same administrative order without designating any person as their joint agent according to paragraph 1, the authority in charge of those matters shall appoint the person approved by the majority of the participants as their joint agent. In this case, section 24, paragraph 2 and paragraph 3, shall apply mutatis mutandis.