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Volume 113, Number 60A
Page 8
Royal Gazette

14 November 2539

The joint agent under paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 must be a natural person.

A participant may revoke the agency at any time, but he must notify the authority in writing and continue to carry out any acts in the administrative proceeding in person.

The joint agent may revoke the agency at any time, but he must notify the authority in writing and must also notify all the participants.

Section26.A document filed with an authority must be made in the Thai language. If the document is made in a foreign language, the participant shall provide within a period of time designated by the authority a Thai translation which is certified to be correct. In this case, the said document shall be deemed to be filed with the authority on the day the authority receives the translation, save where the authority accepts the document in the foreign language, in which case the day the document in the foreign language is filed shall be deemed to be the day the authority receives the document.

The certification of the correctness of a Thai translation or the acceptance of a document made in a foreign language shall be subject to the criteria and procedure designated by a ministerial regulation.

Section27.The authority shall notify the participants of the rights and duties in the administrative proceeding as necessary for the case.

If an application or statement is defective or contains an illegible or erroneous text which is clearly seen to have been caused by ignorance or negligence of a participant, the authority shall advise the participant to amend it correctly.

Section28.In conducting an administrative proceeding, an authority may examine the facts as appropriate for the matters concerned, without being bound by the applications or evidence of the participants.

Section29.The authority must consider the evidence which he finds necessary for proving the facts. This shall include following actions:

(1)to search for all the relevant evidence;

(2)to hear evidence, explanations, or opinions from participants or from witnesses or expert witnesses adduced by participants, save where the authority finds that the adduction is unnecessary, beyond necessity, or dilatory;