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Volume 50, Page 2
Royal Gazette
Dated 1 April 2476

it is the right time for Him to allow the people to name their Representatives, for which reason it is not appropriate for the House to initiate a change to the important economic policy which has formed the basis of the subsistence of the Country since antiquity, but it now appears that a great number of its Members has made strong wishes and efforts to effect such a change by means of the schemes which indirectly force it to comply with their wishes—an inappropriate action which clearly shows that they can no longer meet to direct the affairs of the Country wholesomely, for they could bring about insecurity to the Country and destruction to the well-being of the people under His authority—as a result of which He finds that it is now an urgent time to take measures for prevention of ruination of the Country and the general people under His authority;

Therefore, He permits with His gracious pleasure the enactment of this royal decree containing the following clauses:

  1. The present House of People’s Representatives shall be prorogued and shall not be convened until a new House of People’s Representatives is constituted after an election of Representatives is held in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.