Page:พระราชกฤษฎีกาให้ปิดประชุมสภา ๒๔๗๖.pdf/3

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Dated 1 April 2476
Royal Gazette
Volume 50, Page 3

  1. The current Cabinet shall be dissolved, and a new Cabinet shall be set up, consisting of one Prime Minister and not more than twenty other Ministers, and the Prime Minister of the dissolved Cabinet shall become the Premier of the new Cabinet, and the Ministers currently in charge of the ministries shall become members ex officio of the new Cabinet. As regards the other Ministers, His Majesty shall further appoint them upon the advice of the Prime Minister.
  2. As long as the election of Representatives has not yet taken place, the new House of People’s Representatives has not yet been convened, and a Cabinet has not yet been established in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, the new Cabinet under this royal decree shall exercise all the powers which the Constitution confers upon a Cabinet.
  3. As long as the election of Representatives has not yet taken place and the new House of People’s Representatives has not yet been convened, His Majesty the King shall exercise the legislative power by and with the advice and consent of the Cabinet.
  1. As long as the election of Representatives has not yet taken place, the new House of People’s Representatives has not yet been convened, and a Cabinet has not yet been established in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, suspended shall be the application of all the provi-