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Number 15, Volume 69
Special Edition, Page 14
Royal Gazette

8 March 2495

"Section35.Never shall a person exercise the rights and freedoms under this Constitution in a manner adverse to the Nation, the Religions, the Monarch, and the Constitution."

"Section36.Persons who are military officers, police officers, other regular public servants, and municipal officials do have the same rights and freedoms under this Constitution as the people who are citizens, save those restricted by the law, or the regulations or regulations[1] issued by virtue of a power under the law, in relation to politics, capability, or discipline only."

"Section37.Persons do have the duty to maintain the administration under the regime of democracy with a Monarch as Head [of State], and do have the duty to respect the law, defend the Country, and assist the public sector by means of paying taxes and other [means], subject to the conditions and procedure provided by the law."

Section4.The following stipulations shall be inserted in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 2475 Buddhist Era Version, as chapter 3 and section 38 to section 44, respectively:

  1. See also the note about the terms kot and khobangkhap, which are both translated as "regulation(s)".