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Number 15, Volume 69
Special Edition, Page 15
Royal Gazette

8 March 2495

"Chapter 3
Policy of the State

Section38.The State must maintain independence and cooperate with all countries for [the purpose of] nurturing peace and happiness of the world.

Section39.The State must have military forces for the maintenance of independence and benefit of the Nation.

Section40.The State must maintain internal peace so as to bring about peace and happiness to the inhabitants.

Section41.The State should support the private [sector] in initiating economic [activities], and [should] conduct affairs with characteristics of public utility in harmony with the economic affairs carried out by the private [sector].

Section42.The State should promote and nurture education.

Systematisation of education is a specific duty of the State. All educational institutions are subject to the supervision of the State.

[At] the higher level of education,[1] the State should enable educational institutions to carry out their own affairs within the scope provided by the law.

  1. Originally, "The education [at] the level [of] higher education"