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Issue 17, Volume 66
Special Edition, Page 24
Royal Gazette

23 March 2492

Section48.Persons have the duty to maintain the regime of administration under this Constitution.

Section49.Persons have the duty to respect the law.

Section50.In exercising the right to vote in elections[1] and the right to vote in referendums, persons have the duty to observe honesty[2] and focus on common interest.

Section51.Persons have the duty to pay taxes and duties as provided by the law.

Section52.Persons have the duty to assist the public sector as provided by the law.

Section53.Persons have the duty to receive the primary level of education,[3] subject to the conditions and procedure provided by the law.

Section54.The provisions of this chapter are intended to be a guideline for the enactment of laws and the handling of public services in accordance with the designated policy, and do not give rise to the right to file a proceeding against the State.

  1. Originally, "the right to elect".
  2. Originally," to do honestly".
  3. Originally, "to receive education [at] the level [of] primary education".