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Number 17, Volume 66
Special Edition, Page 25
Royal Gazette

23 March 2492

Section55.The State must maintain independence.

Section56.The State should promote relations with all countries and adhere to the principle of equal treatment.[1]

Section57.The State should cooperate with all countries in the maintenance of international justice and the upholding[2] of peace and happiness of the world.

Section58.Military forces should exist in a manner suiting the necessity of the maintenance of independence.

Section59.The military forces belong to the Nation, are under the supreme direction of the Monarch, and are not subject to any private [person], group of persons, or political party.

Section60.The military forces should be used for fighting or war or for suppression of riots, and can only be used upon a royal command, save in the event that the martial law is promulgated.

The use of a military force to assist in [any] other public service shall be as provided by the law.

  1. Literally, "the principle [of] equal[ity] in treating each other".
  2. Phadung (Thai: ผดุง), here translated as "to uphold", is defined by the Royal Society of Thailand (2013) as "to sustain, to support, to prop up, to guard, to back".