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great sadnes, and sorow of hart; not so much for our owne

affliction, for that is comfortable, but for you our brethren,

and kinsemen in flesh and bloud. VVishing with our

owne temporal damage whatsoeuer, your saluation. Now 2. Cor. 6.

is the acceptable time, now are the dayes of saluation, the Grace in the new Testamēt more abundant then in the old.

time of Grace by Christ, whose dayes manie Kinges & Prophetes

desired to see: they saw them (in spirite) and reioyced. Luc. 10.

But we are made partakers of Christ, and his Mysteries; so

that our selues neglect not his heauenly riches: if we receiue

& kepe the beginning of his substance, firme vnto the end;

that is, the true Catholique faith; building theron good

workes by his grace; without which we can not thinke a

good thought, by which we can do al thinges necessarie

to saluation. But if we hold not fast this ground, al the building

fayleth. Or if confessing to know God in wordes, we Tit. 1.

denie him in deedes, committing workes of darknes; Both wicked workes, and omission of good workes are damnable.

or omitting workes of mercie, when we may doe them to Mat. 25.

our distressed neighbours; brifly if we haue not charitie, the 1. Cor. 13.

forme and perfection of al vertues, al is lost, and nothing

worth. But if we builde vpon firme grounde, gold, siluer,

and precious stones, such building shal abide, and make 1. Pet. 1.

our vocation sure by good workes. as S. Peter speaketh.

These (saith S. Paul) are the heyres of God, coheyres of Innumerable saued by Christ.

Christ. Neither is the number of Christs blessed children Apoc. 7.

coūted, as of the Iewes, an hundred fourtie foure thousand,

of euerie tribe of Israel twelue thousand signed; but a most

great multitude of Catholique Christians, which no man

can number, of al nations, and tribes, and peoples, and

tongues, standing before the throne of the lambe, clothed

in white robes, and palmes (of triumph) in their handes:

hauing ouercome tentations in the vertuous race of good

life. Much more those which also indure persecution for They are more happie that suffer persecution for the truth.

the truthes sake, shal receiue most copious great rewardes

in heauen. For albeit the passions of this time (in themselues)

are not **Vvorthie, or comparable in dignitie. condigne, to the glorie to come, that shal be reueled