God. This ground worke therfore of our creation in Christ True faith first necessarie.
by true faith, S. Paul labored most seriously by word
and writing, to establish in the hartes of al men. In this he confirmed
the Romanes by his Epistle, cōmending their faith,
as already receiued, and renowmed in the whole world. He
preached the same faith to manie Nations. Amongst others
to the lerned Athenians. VVhere it semed to some, as
absurde, as strange; in so much that they scornfully called
him avvord-sovver, and Preacher of new gods. But S. Augustin Act. 17. v. 18. Ser. 42. de Sanct.
alloweth the terme for good, which was reprochfully
spoken of the ignorant. And so distinguishing betwen
Reapers, and Sovvers in Gods Church, he teacheth, that The twelue Apostles were first Reapers, before they were Sowers▪ S. Paul at first a Sower, or Seminarie Apostle.
wheras the other Apostles reaped in the Iewes, that which
their Patriarches and Prophetes had sowne; S. Paul sowed
the seede of Christian Religion in the Gentiles. And so in
respect of the Israelites, to whom they were first sent, calleth
the other Apostles Messores, Reapers, and S. Paul, being
specially sent to the Gentiles, Seminatorem a Sovver, or Seminarie
Apostle. Which two sortes of Gods workmen are stil
in the Church, with distinct offices of Pastoral cures, and
Apostolical missions; the one for perpetual gouernment of Pastoral cures and Apostolical missions.
Catholique countries: the other for conuersion of such, as
either haue not receiued Christian Religion, or are relapsed.
As at this time in our country, for the diuers sortes of
pretended religions, these diuers spiritual workes are necessary,
to teach and feede al Britan people. Because some
in error of opinions preach an other Gospel, wheras in veritie New doctrine is falsly called the Gospel.
there is no other Gospel. They preach in dede new doctrines, S. Aug. de utilit crede 1. c. Mat. 15.
which can not saue. Others folow them beleuing
falshood. But vvhen the blinde lead the blinde (not the one The seduced, & externally conformable are punished with the authors of iniquitie.
only, but) both fal into the ditch. Others conforme themselues,
in external shew, fearing them that can punish, and
kil the bodie. But our Lord vvil bring such as decline into (vniust) Psalmo. 124.
obligations, vvith them that vvorke iniquitie. The Reliques
and smal flock of Catholiques in our country, haue