forth her greene figges: the florishing vineyards haue geuen their sauour. Arise my loue, my beautiful one, & come. 14† My doue in the holes of the rocke, in the holow places of the wal, shew me thy face, let thy voice sound in mine eares: for thy voice is sweete, and thy face comely. 15† h h commandeth his pastors to destroy heresies. Catch vs the litle foxes, that destroy the vineyards: for our vineyard hath florished. 17† i i And so she reposeth in him. til the day breake, and the shadowes decline. Returne: belike, my beloued, to a roe, and to the fawne of hartes vpon the mountaynes of Bether.
Chap. III
11IN a a The Church finding Christ not in darke ignorance nor in philosophie but by his reueiling him selfe to her, holdeth him for euer: my litle bed in the nightes I haue sought him, whom my soule loueth, I haue saught him, and haue not found. 2† I wil rise, and wil goe about the citie: by the stretes and high waies, I wil seeke him whom my soule loueth: I haue saught him, and haue not found. 3† The watchmen which kepe the citie found me; Haue you seene him, whom my soule loueth. 4† When I had a litle paſſed by them, I found him_, whom my soule loueth: I held him: neither wil I let him goe, til I bring him into b b euen til the Iewes shal at last also find him. my mothers house, and into the chamber of her that bare me. 5† c c Christ speaketh as before ch 2. v. 7 I adiure you ô daughters of Ierusalem by the roes, and hartes of the fildes, that you rayse not vp, nor make the beloued to awake, til herselfe wil. 6† d d The Church of Christ admireth her owne conuersion from Gentilitie, What is she, that ascendeth by the desert, as a litle rod of smoke of e e now ful of good workes. the aromatical spices of myrtrhe, and frankincense, & of al powder of the apothecharie? 7† f f She also profeſſeth that the ascending to eternal rest, is by fighting manfully, in obseruing the ten commandments, in the six dayes of this life: Behold threescore valiants of the most valiant of Israel, compaſſe the litle bed of Salomon: 8† al holding swordes, and most cunning to battels: euerie mans sword vpon his thigh for feares by night. 9† King Salomon hath made him a portable throne of the wood of Libanus: 10† the pillers therof he hath made of siluer, the seate of gold, going vp g g euen to bloud, if nede be, of purple: the middes he hath paued with h h which is the highest degree of charitie. charitie for the daughters of Ierusalem. 11† i i And inuiteth al others to come vnto Christ, Goe forth ye daughters os Sion, and see king Salomon in k k who in flesh which he tooke of his mother, was crowned in heauen after his Paſſion. the diademe, wherewith his mother hath crowned him in the day of his despousing, and in the day of the ioy of his heart.