Chap. IIII.
1HOw a a Christ againe praiseth the beautie of his Church. beautiful art thou my loue, how beautiful art thou! thine b b Sincere and simple intention eies as it were of doues, besides that, which lyeth hid within. Thy c c Al her temporal occupations directed to Gods glorie heares as the flockes of goates, which haue come vp from mount Galaad. 2† Thy d d Pastors who like nurces geue bread of good doctrine to litle ones. teeth as flockes of them that are shorne, which haue come vp from the lauatorie, al with e e Faith and good workes. twinnes, and there is no barren among them. 3† Thy f f Preaching Christs paſſion. lippes as a scarlet lace: and thy speach sweete. As à peece of a pomegranate, so are also thy g g And not ashamed to profeſſe Christ Crucified. cheekes, besides that which lyeth hid within. 4† Thy h h Administration of Sacraments wherby the Church, Christs mystical bodie, is ioyned to him her head, necke is as the i i which is an inexpugnable fortreſſe. towre of Dauid, which is built with bulworkes: a thousand targattes hang on it, al the armour of the valiants. 5† Thy k k Both Iewes and Gentiles are fed with the principles of Christian doctrin. two breastes as two fawnes the twinnes of a roe, which feede among the lilies, 6† til the day aspire, and the shadowes decline. l l Christ dwelleth in mortified, and deuout mindes. I wil goe to the mount of myrrhe, and to the little hil of frankencense. 7† Thou art al fayre ô my loue, and there is m m The Church triumphant is without spotte, and euerie particular soule entring into heauen; the B. virgin mother was also in this life alwayes immaculate. not a spotte in thee. 8† Come from Libanus, come: thou shalt be crowned from the head of Amena, from the toppe of Sanir & Hermon, from the dennes of lions, from the mountaynes of leopardes. 9† Thou hast wounded my heart, my sister spouse, thou hast wounded my heart in one of thine eies, and in one heare of thy necke. 10† How beautiful are thy breastes my sister spouse! thy breastes are more beautiful then wine, and the odour of thine ointmentes aboue al aromatical spices. 11† Thy lippes my spouse are as an honie combe distilling, honie and mile kare vnder thy tongue: and the odour of thy garments as the odour of frankincense. 12† My sister spouse is a garden inclosed, a garden inclosed, a fountaine sealed vp. 13† Thy ofsprings a paradise of pomegranats with orchard fruites. Cypres with spiknard, 14† spiknard, and safren, sweete cane and cinnamon, with al the trees of Libanus, myrrhe and aloes with al the chiefe ointmentes. 15† The fountaine of gardens: the wel of liuing waters, which runne with violence from Libanus. 16† n n Al tentations, whether they be in manifest crueltie, or in flatering suteltie, make constant soules more gratful to God. Arise Northwinde, & come Southwinde, blow through my garden, and let the aromatical spices therof flowe.