Page:1808 Poems by Felicia Dorothea Browne.pdf/34

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Why memory recal the chearful hours,
    The tranquil time that never can return;
When gaily wandering in my native bowers,
    I once was smiling as the summer morn.

And why recal my early friendships dear,
    Why lead my thoughts to fond illusions past:
They claim the plaintive tribute of a tear;
    I weep for dreams of joy that fled so fast.

Ah! still will Fancy all the scenes revive,
    The favorite scenes that charm'd my youthful breast;
She bids them now in softer colours live,
    And paints the cottage of domestic rest.

When pleasure lighted up my sparkling eye,
    And on swift pinions flew the social day;
Ah! then I pour'd the simple melody,
    To hail the brilliance of the matin ray.

Ah! still retentive only to my woe,
    Will memory trace the picture of my cot;
And while in vain the tears of sorrow flow,
    I rove in fancy to the sacred spot: