Page:1808 Poems by Felicia Dorothea Browne.pdf/35

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There fragrant woodbines form'd a mantling bower;
    And there I planted the luxuriant vine;
There love and friendship bless'd the festive hour,
    While every rural happiness was mine.

Ah! thus will "sadly-pleasing" memory dwell
    On all the hopes, the fond illusions o'er;
And still with touching power she loves to tell,
    Of happy moments to return no more.


See bending to the gentle gale,
The modest lily of the vale;
Hid in its leaf of tender green,
Mark its soft and simple mien.
Thus sometimes Merit blooms retir'd,
By genius, taste, and fancy fir'd;
And thus 'tis oft the wanderer's lot,
To rove to Merit's peaceful cot,
As I have found the lily sweet,
That blossoms in this wild retreat.