A B had ——— votes for delegate to congress; C D had ——— votes (for) member of the legislative council; E F had ——— votes for member of the house of representatives; G H had ——— votes for coroner; I J had ——— votes for sheriff; KL had ——— votes for county commissioner (and in like manner for any other person voted for). Certified by us, A B, CD, EF, judges of election. Attest: G H I K, clerks of election.
Sect. 29. The judges of election shall then inclose and seal one of the poll books, and under cover direct the same to the clerk of the board of county commissioners of the county in which such election was held, and the packet thus sealed shall be conveyed one of the judges or clerks of the election, to be determined by lot, if they cannot otherwise agree, or by some other person to be agreed upon by the judges, and delivered to said clerk of the board of county commissioners, at his office three days after the [closing] of the polls, and the other poll book, together with the ballot-box, deposited with one of the judges of election, to be determined by lot if not otherwise agreed; and the said poll book shall be subject to the inspection of any elector at any time thereafter, who may wish to examine the same.
Sect. 30. If any judge or clerk of election, after being deputed by the judges of election at which he shall have served as judge or clerk, to carry the poll books of such election to the clerk of the board of county commissioners, shall fail or neglect to deliver such poll book to the said clerk within the time prescribed by law, safe with the seals unbroken, he shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars for the use of the common school in said county, to be recovered by a civil action, in the name of the county commissioners, in the district court.
Sect. 31. On the twentieth day after the close of any election, or sooner if all the returns be received, the clerk of the board of county commissioners, taking to his assistance two justices of the peace of the county, shall proceed to open said returns and make abstracts of the votes in the following manner: the abstract of the votes for delegate to congress shall be on one sheet; the abstract of votes for members of the legislative assembly shall be on one sheet; the abstract of votes for the county and precinct officers, shall be on another sheet; and it shall be the duty of the said clerk of county