commissioners immediately to make out a certificate of election to each of the persons having the highest number of votes for members of the legislative assembly, county, and precinct officers, respectively, and to deliver said certificate to the person entitled to it, on his making application to the clerk at his office: Provided, That when a tie shall exist between two or more persons, for the council or house of representatives, the clerk of the board of commissioners shall give notice to the sheriff of the county, who shall immediately advertise another election, giving' at least ten days notice. And it shall be the duty of the clerk of the board of commissioners of each county, on the receipt of the returns of any general or special election, to make out his certificate, stating therein the compensation to which the judges and clerks of election may be entitled for their services, and lay the same before the board of commissioners at their next session, and the said board shall order the compensation aforesaid to be paid out of the county treasury.
Sect. 32. If the requisite number of county officers shall not be elected by reason of two or more persons having an equal and the highest number of votes for one and the same office, the clerk, whose duty it is to compare the polls, shall give notice to the several persons so having the highest and an equal number of votes, to attend at the office of the proper clerk, at a time to be appointed by the said clerk, who shall then and there proceed publicly to decide by lot which of the persons so having an equal number of votes shall be declared duly elected; and the said clerk shall make and deliver to the person thus declared duly elected a certificate of his election, as hereinbefore provided.
Sect. 33. The clerk of the board of commissioners, immediately after making the abstracts of the votes given in his county, shall make a copy of each of said abstracts, and transmit it by mail to the secretary of the territory, at the seat of government, and it shall be the duty of the secretary of the territory, with the chief justice and the governor, or a majority of them, to proceed within fifty days after the election - and sooner, if all the returns be received — to canvass the votes given for delegate to congress, and other territorial officers, and the governor shall grant a certificate of election to the person having the highest number of votes, and shall