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around him. And he referenced that he hears from Mr. Giuliani as part of that.

Q. Can you explain a little bit more about what the President said about Rudy Giuliani in that meeting?

A. He said that's not what I hear. I hear a whole bunch of other things. And I don't know how he phrased it with Rudy, but it was—I think he said, not as an instruction but just as a comment, talk to Rudy, you know. He knows all of these things, and they've got some bad people around him. And that was the nature of it. It was clear that he also had other sources. It wasn't only Rudy Giuliani. I don't know who those might be, but he—or at least he said, I hear from people.[1]

In his public testimony, Ambassador Volker reiterated that he did not understand the President's comment, "talk to Rudy," to be a direction.[2] He explained:

I didn't take it as an instruction. I want to be clear about that. He said: That's not what I hear. You know, when we were giving him our assessment about President Zelensky and where Ukraine is headed: That's not what I hear. I hear terrible things. He's got terrible people around him. Talk to Rudy. And I understood, in that context, him just saying that's where he hears it from. I didn't take it as an instruction."[3]

Ambassador Sondland, however, in both his closed-door deposition and his public testimony, characterized the President's comment as a "direction."[4] In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Energy Secretary Rick Perry stated that he called Mayor Giuliani following the May 23 meeting, and that Mayor Giuliani told him "to be careful with regards" to President Zelensky.[5] Secretary Perry said "he never heard the president, any of his appointees, Mr. Giuliani, or the Ukrainian regime discuss the possibility of specifically investigating former Vice President Joe Biden, a Democratic presidential contender, and his son Hunter Biden."[6]

  1. Volker transcribed interview, supra note 60, at 304-05. Deputy Assistant Secretary Kent testified that Dr. Hill relayed to him that President Trump had conversations with Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, and Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, which he said may have also colored President Trump's view of Ukraine. Kent deposition, supra note 65, at 253-54.
  2. Impeachment Inquiry: Ambassador Kurt Volker and Mr. Timothy Morrison, supra note 8.
  3. Id.
  4. Impeachment Inquiry: Ambassador Gordon Sondland, supra note 56; Sondland deposition, supra note 51, at 2526.
  5. Timothy Puko & Rebecca Ballhaus, Rick Perry called Rudy Giuliani at Trump's direction on Ukraine concerns, Wall St. J., Oct. 16, 2019.
  6. Id.