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Chapter I—Bureau of Mines.
§ 11.2

5. Ultimate analysis (moisture, ash, carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, and nitrogen)
6. Ultimate analysis and B. t. u
7. Proximate and ultimate analyses, and B. t. u
8. Fusibility of ash
9. Hardgrove grindability index

(b) Fees for the special tests will be computed on the basis of the work involved.

[28 F. R. 7909, Oct. 14, 1958]


Part 11—Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus


11.1 Definition of "permissible."

11.2 Conditions under which apparatus will be tested.

11.3 Fees for testing.

11.4 General requirements.

11.5 Construction.

11.6 Character and general description of tests.

11.7 Detailed procedure of tests.

11.8 Approval of regenerators.

11.9 Notification of approval or disapproval.

11.10 Approval plates and markings for permissible apparatus and for approved supplemental parts.

11.11 Changes subsequent to approval.

11.12 Withdrawal of approval.

AUTHORITY: § 11.1 to 11.12 issued under sec. 5, 96 Stat. 370, as amended, sec. 212, 65 Stat. 709; 80 0. 8. C. 1, 482. Interpret or apply secs. 2, 9, 86 Stat. 870, as amended; 80 U. S. C. 3, 5.

SOURCE: § 11.1 to 11.12 contained in Schedule 13D, 21 F. R. 7234, Sept. 23, 1956.

§ 11.1 Definition of "permissible." The Bureau of Mines considers a self-contained breathing apparatus to be permissible for use in irrespirable and poisonous gases if all the details of construction and materials are the same in all respects as those of a self-contained breathing apparatus that has passed the tests for safety, practicability, and efficiency in accordance with standards established by the Bureau and described in this part.

§ 11.2 Conditions under which apparatus will be tested. The conditions under which the Bureau of Mines will examine and test 8 self-contained breathing apparatus to establish its permissibility follow:

(a) (1) Application for inspection. examination, and testing shall be made in duplicate to the Central Experiment Station, Bureau of Mines, 4800 Forbes Street, Pittsburgh 13, Pa., and shall be accompanied by (i) a check, bank draft, or money order (see § 11.3) payable to the order of the United States Bureau of Mines; (H) a complete written description of the apparatus in duplicate; and (iii) a set of drawings in duplicate showing full details of construction of the apparatus. If an apparatus operates with a regenerator, the application shall be accompanied by a complete written description of the regenerator and a set of drawings showing full details of its construction, all in duplicate. The application shall state, among other things, whether the apparatus is ready to be marketed.

(2) Applicants, manufacturers. their representatives may visit or communicate with the Central Experiment Station, Bureau of Mines, 4800 Forbes Street, Pittsburgh 13, Pa., to obtain criticism of proposed designs or to dis- cuss the requirements covering the approval of self-contained breathing apparatus. No charge is made for such consultation.

(b) The examination, inspection, and test shall be made at the Central Experiment Station, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa.

(c) The applicant, submitting the self-contained breathing apparatus for inspection, examination, and test, will be required to provide two sets of apparatus, prepaid to the Central Experiment Station, Bureau of Mines, 4800 Forbes Street, Pittsburgh 13, Pa. If the apparatus successfully passes all the tests and requirements specified in this section, one set of the apparatus will be retained by the Bureau of Mines as a laboratory exhibit and the other set will be returned to the applicant. If the apparatus does not pass all of the Bureau's tests or requirements, both sets of apparatus will be returned to the applicant at his expense.

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