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§ 11.2
Title 30—Mineral Resources

(d) Each self-contained breathing apparatus submitted for test shall have marked on it in a distinct manner the name and address of the manufacturer and the name, letter, or number by which the apparatus is designated for trade purposes.

(e) (1) For tests of self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus utilizing a supply of compressed gaseous oxygen, the oxygen will be supplied by the Bureau of Mines and will be of the purity specified in contracts by the Bureau for use in its own self-contained breathing apparatus, namely, at least 98 percent oxygen and the remainder nitrogen. The applicant shall supply such regenerators or regenerating materials as are necessary to operate the apparatus during the tests as hereinafter described.

(2) For tests of self-contained breathing apparatus utilizing a supply of compressed air, the applicant shall supply the compressed air (in suitable containers) necessary in making the hereafter described tests. The compressed air shall not contain any amount of gaseous, liquid, or solid substance that is harmful to a wearer of the apparatus under any condition of use. The applicant shall furnish a written statement setting forth the method used to compress the air and the controls used to prevent contamination of the compressed air by any gaseous, liquid, or solid substance that is harmful to a human being.

(3) For tests of self-contained breathing apparatus utilizing a supply of oxygen that is generated by a chemical reaction when using the apparatus, the applicant shall supply the oxygen generating chemicals (in suitable containers) in amounts necessary to conduct the hereafter described tests. The oxygen shall not contain any amount of gaseous, liquid, or solid substance that is harmful to a wearer of the apparatus under any condition of use. The applicant shall furnish a written statement setting forth the method by which the oxygen is generated and the chemical reaction involved for this purpose during the use of the apparatus. Furthermore, this statement shall set forth how the chemicals in the oxygen generator have been manufactured so as to prevent contamination of the oxygen by any gaseous, liquid , or solid substance in amounts or proportions harmful to a human being.

(f) On receipt of the self-contained breathing apparatus for which application has been made for examination, inspection, or test, the applicant will be notified whether the apparatus meets the requirements of these regulations and whether additional spare parts are necessary to facilitate making a proper test of the apparatus. The applicant will be required to provide additional parts, if needed, and also to alter the apparatus, if necessary.

(g) No self-contained breathing apparatus will be tested unless it is in the complete form in which it is to be marketed.

(h) As soon as possible after the formal application for the test and the apparatus to be tested have been received, the applicant will be notified of the date on which the test will begin and if any additional material is required.

(i) Tests will be made in the order of receipt of application, provided that the applicant has furnished the necessary apparatus and material.

(j) Self-contained breathing apparatus in course of development may be submitted by manufacturers and inventors for preliminary test or inspection to ascertain defective construction or misapplication of safety principles. The Bureau will determine the nature of such test or inspection and the fee, if any. If a fee is to be charged, it shall be paid before the test or inspection is undertaken.

(k) No one shall be present during any part of the formal investigation, conducted by the Bureau, that leads to approval except the necessary Government personnel, representatives of the applicant, and such other persons as may be mutually agreed upon by the applicant and the Bureau. When a self-contained breathing apparatus is approved as permissible, the Bureau will announce that such approval has been granted and may thereafter conduct from time to time, in its discretion, public demonstrations of the tests of approved self-contained breathing apparatus. Those who attend any part of the investigation, or any public demonstration, shall be present solely as observers; the conduct of the investigation and of any public demonstration shall be controlled wholly by the Bureau's personnel. The results of chemical analyses and all information contained in the drawings, specifications.

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