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Color of laminated material and 5..2.1 Visual examination Unfilled preformed bag seal strength testing. The unfilled preformed bags shall be tested for seal strength in accordance with Method A or B of ASTM D 882, except that testing speed may be 10 or 12 inches per minute. The lot size shall be expressed in bags. The sample size shall be the number of bags indicated by inspection level S-1. Three adjacent specimens shall be cut from each of the three sealed sides of each bag in the sample. The results shall be reported to the nearest 0.1 pound. The average seal strength of each seal shall be calculated by averaging the strengths of the three test specimens cut from that seal. Any test specimen failing to meet the individual test specimen seal strength requirement specified in or any seal failing to meet the average seal strength requirement specified in shall be cause for rejection of the lot. Chocolate coating microbiological certification. The chocolate coating shall be Salmonella free when tested in accordance with the Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC, method 967.26. The chocolate coating may be accepted on a contractor's certification of compliance to the Salmonella requirement in 3.3.11. Any nonconformance to the requirement in 3.3.11 shall be cause for rejection of the component lot or any involved product.

4.5.2 In-process inspection. In-process examination. In-process examination shall be performed to determine conformance to the preparation, processing, holding, bag filling and sealing, and bulk pack handling requirements. Any nonconformance revealed by actual examination or by review of records of time, temperature, and formulation or of other valid documents shall be cause for rejection of the involved product. In-process moisture content testing. The baked brownie or oatmeal cookie, as applicable, prior to coating, shall be tested for moisture content in accordance with the Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC): Chapter: Cereal Foods; section: Total Solids (Moisture, Indirect Method); Method: Vacuum Oven Method except that the drying cycle shall be 16 hours at 70C under a pressure of not more than 100 mm Hg. The sample unit shall be one brownie or one oatmeal cookie. Results shall be reported to the nearest 0.1 percent. Any sample unit not conforming to the moisture content requirement in 3.3.4 or 3.3.8, as applicable, shall be classified as a major defect and shall be cause for rejection of the lot. The lot size shall be expressed in units of one brownie or one oatmeal cookie as applicable. The inspection level shall be S-2.


In-process coating weight examination

. Prior to coating, a sample of 20 brownies or oatmeal cookie, as applicable, shall be randomly selected from the lot, identified, and weighed. After coating, the sample 20 brownies or oatmeal cookies shall be reweighed. The coating weight as a percentage of the product weight shall be calculated to the nearest 1 percent as follows:

Coating weight, percent = Coated product weight – Uncoated product weight/Coated product weightx100