- 霄1
- Vapor; clouds; halo; sleet; heaven.
- 搜1
- To shake; toss about; to search; to study the import of.
- 小2
- Small; petty; contracted; light; a few; young.
- 劭-3
- Exertion; effort; to force one's self; excellence.
- 紹-3
- To connect; to continue in succession; to succeed.
- 邵-3
- High; eminent.
- 韶-3
- An instrument of music; to continue the virtues of a predecessor.
- 髫-3
- Tuft of hair which hangs down from a child's head.
- 肇-3
- To commence; to correct; to devise; project; intelligent.
- 少3-
- Few; small; young; to diminish; to owe; be wanting.
- 肖3-
- Constitutional likeness as between parent and child; legitimate; filial.
- 數3-
- To reckon; count; a number; several; fate; few.
- 櫢3-
- To shake; agitate; brush or shake off.
- 什-4
- Ten; two files of five persons each; mixed.
- 襲-4
- Double or outer garments; to continue in succession; to invade.
- 拾-4
- To gather together; collect; to inquire about.
- 習-4
- To practice; become accustomed to; repeat over and over; to learn thoroughly.
- 慴-4
- Fearful; timid; cowardly.
- 摺-4
- To fold up; a document folded up; to destroy.
- 熠-4
- Glossy, shining feathers; lustre; effulgence.
- 濕4
- Damp; moist; hurried; depression of spirit.
- 隰4
- Low marshy land; a marsh.
- 實-4寔-4
- Truth; true; sincere; real; full; solid; the kernel; grain; fruit.
- 殖-4
- To fatten; to plant; cause to grow or flourish; erect.
- 失4
- To lose; fail; miss; neglect; failure; loss.
- 室4
- A dwelling; house; family; wife.
- 泅-1
- To swim.
- 收1
- To collect or receive; to bind or restrain.
- 修1
- To direct; regulate; adorn; cultivate the mind or heart.
- 梳1
- A comb; to comb; to dress.
- 羞1
- To be ashamed; conscious of having done wrong; to offer to a superior.
- 饈1
- To present food to a superior; to feed; food.
- 首2
- To head; a chief; a leader; to head; to manifest; origin.