- 守2
- To hold fast; guard; keep; protect; observe.
- 帚2
- Ordure; to sweep away filth.
- 箒2
- A besom; a broom; a certain kind of bamboo.
- 受-3
- To receive; accept; endure; forms the passive of verbs.
- 授-3
- To give to; to communicate.
- 綬-3
- A piece of silk to which official seals are suspended.
- 壽3
- Longevity; age; a delicate term for death.
- 秀3-
- Flowery; splendid; elegant; luxuriant.
- 綉3-
- A section of cotton; to embroider.
- 銹3-
- Rust in metals.
- 妯3-
- Disquietude of mind; grief; the older of two wives.
- 岫3-
- A den or cavern in a mountain; a ravine.
- 袖3-
- The sleeve or cuff of a garment; valuable.
- 守3-狩3-
- To hunt; to go round and examine, as an officer; to patrol.
- 獸3-
- A quadruped; a wild beast; an animal.
- 繡3-
- To variegate with different colors; embroidered.
- 穌1甦1
- To desist and rest; tranquil; to resuscitate; come to life from the dead.
- 蘇1
- Name of a medicinal plant; cheerful; to rest; resuscitate.
- 蒐1
- A medicinal plant called earth's-blood; to hunt; to hide.
- 藪1
- A thicket in which are animals and lakes for fish.
- 廋1
- To conceal; hide; crafty; to search for what is hidden.
- 叟2
- A respectful epithet applied to aged persons.
- 瞍2
- An eye without a pupil; an aged person.
- 溲3-
- To steep in water; void urine.
- 瘦3-
- Lean; emaciated.
- 潄3-
- To wash the mouth; to rinse; spit out.
- 唆1
- To chatter; to whisper; sow discord; to misrepresent.
- 梭1
- A weaver's shuttle; name of a wood.
- 疎1
- Coarse; open; remiss; lax; careless.
- 疏1
- Open; wide apart; coarse; to explain.
- 蔬1
- Edible herbs; a species of grain; coarse; poor food.
- 所2
- A place; a thing; a cause or means; that which; what.