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52 Georgii III. Cap. cxxii.

or the several Provisions relative to Chelsea Hospital, in the said other recited Acts are applicable to Captures or Grants upon Captures made in any War antecedent to that which existed at the Time the said recited Act of the Forty-fifth Year of His present Majesty was passed; and it is expedient that the said recited Acts, some or one of them, should in that respect be explained and otherwise extended and amended; be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same. Provisions of recited Acts, so far as they relate to Chelsea Hospital applicable as well to subsequent, Wars as to the War existing at the passing of 45. G. 3. c. 72.That all and every the Provisions, Regulations, Authorities, Powers, Penalties, Forfeitures, Matters, and Things in said recited Acts or either of them and in this Act contained, so far as they relate to the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea, shall be and the same are hereby declared to be applicable, as well to all Provisions and subsequent Wars as to the War which Was in Existence at the passing of the said Act of the Forty-fifth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, and that as fully and effectually to the Intents and Purposes as if the said Provisions, Regulations, Authorities, Powers, Penalties, For­feitures, Matters, and Things were Severally repeated and re-enacted in the Body of and made Part of this Act, and shall be applicable also to all Salvage Monies which shall have been or shall be payable to any Officers, Soldiers, and Troops, on Account of any Recapture or otherwise.

Provisions of recited Acts as direct Payments to Chelsea Hospital of unclaimed Prizes extended to all Cases of Prize and Capture not claimed by and Soldiers belonging to His Majesty, but in the Pay of the East India Company.II. And be it further enacted, That so much of the said recited Acts or either of them as directs the Payment to the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer of Chelsea Hospital of all unclaimed and unpaid Shares of Prize or Balances remaining unpaid to Officers, Soldiers, and Troops in the Pay of His Majesty, or acting in any Service or Expedition under the Orders of His Majesty, shall be and the same is hereby extended to all Cases of Prize and Capture, and Grants upon Prize or Capture, or Salvage Monies, or Balances arising therefrom, not claimed by Officers, Soldiers, and Troops, belonging to His Majesty, but in the Pay of the United Company of Merchants trading to the East Indies; and all the Provisions, Regulations, Authorities, Powers, Penalties, Forfeitures, Matters, and Things in the said Recited Acts or either of them contained in relation to unclaimed and unpaid Shares of Army Prize Money shall extend to authorize and require the Payment in like Manner and under the like Restrictions and Regulations of all Shares and Balances unclaimed and unpaid to any Officers, Soldiers, or Troops belonging to His Majesty, but in the Pay of, the said United Company, or arising from any Capture or Grant upon Capture which shall have been or shall be made in any Service or Expedition under the Orders of the Governor General of India for the Time being, or any of His Majesty’s Officers, as fully and effectually to all Intents and Purposes as if the said Provisions, Regulations, Authorities, Powers, Penalties, Forfeitures, Matters and Things were severally repeated and re-enacted in the Body of and made Part of this Act.

Commissioners, &c. of Chelsea Hospital in­demnified for the Ap­propriation of Money herein-mentioned, and empowering them to appropriate Unclaimed Prize Monies to future.III. And whereas the Commissioners of the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea out of the Monies which have been paid to the said Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer, pursuant to the Directions of the said recited Acts, some or one of them, have appropriated to the Current Service of the said last mentioned Hospital Two Sums of Money, that is to say, a Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and ten, and a Sum of Twenty-five thousand Pounds for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and eleven, be it enacted, That the said Commissioners and the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the-said Royal Hospital at Chelsea, and all other Persons acting under their Authority, or the Authority of either of them, shall be and they ace hereby indemnified for having made or ordered such Approprtaion as aforesaid, and for all Acts, Matters, and Things done in pursuance or in consequence thereof; and that it shall and may be lawful for the said Commissioners at all Times hereafter by Warrant under their Hands, or under the Hands of any Three or more of them, directed to the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer of the said last-mentioned Hospital, from Time to Time to appropriate such Sums of Money forming a Part of the forfeited and unclaimed Prize, Money so paid in as aforesaid or hereafter to be paid in, as they or any Three or more of them may think expedient and proper, to the current Services of the said last mentioned Royal Hospital.

So much of recited Act 51. G. 3. c. 104. as relates to Precepts issued to Army Agents, &c. repealed.VII. And whereas that Part of the said recited Act of the Fifty-first .of His present Majesty, which authorizes the Commissioners of Chelsea Hospital to issue Precepts to Persons who they may have Reason to believe have received Army Prize Money, under Powers of Attorney, requiring them to make Return thereof, and to pay over such Money as may remain in their Hands to the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer of the said Hospital, has been found insufficient for the Purposes intended; and it is expedient therefore, that it should be repealed and certain other Provisions substituted in lieu thereof; be it therefore enacted. That so much of the said recitedAct