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52 Georgii III. Cap, cxxxii.

Act of the Fifty-first of His present Majesty as relates to Precepts to be issued by the Com­missioners of,the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea to Army, Agents, Regimental Paymasters and others, for the Purposes aforesaid, shall be and the same is hereby repeated, save and except as to any Proceedings, which previous to the passing of this Act may have been instituted under the Authority thereof, in respect to which the said recited Act is to remain in full Force, until such Proceedings shall have been brought to a Conclusion.

Precepts to be issued in Manner herein mentioned to Persons supposed to have received Money payable to Troops under Powers of Attorney, &c.VIII. And be it further enacted. That it shall be lawful for the Commissioners of the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea from Time to Time to issue Precepts under their Hands or under the Hands of any Three or more of them, directed to such Persons as they may have Reason to received Monies payable to such Officers, Soldiers, and Troops as aforesaid, and to Troops under to which Monies thy Provisions of the said recited Acts and of this Act are applicable, under any Powers of Attorney or Power of Attorney, Order or Orders heretofore or hereafter to be executed, requiring them within Two Calendar Months next after the Time at which such Precept shall have been served,, in case the Person or Persons to whom it shall he directed shall reside within, the United Kingdom, but if he of they shall reside in any Part of His Majesty's Dominions Abroad, then by the first Ship which shall sail from the Port or Place nearest to that at which such Person or Persons shall reside next after the Expiration of Two Calendar Months from the Time at which such precept shall have been served as aforesaid, to deliver or transmit upon Oath, (which Oath any Justice of the Peace or Magistrate, or the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer of the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea for the Time beings, is hereby authorized to administer), an Account of all Monies which may have been received by such Person or Persons under any such Powers or Orders, Power or Order as aforesaid and in case the same or any Part thereof shall have been paid over, then to whom the same or any Part thereof has been so paid over as aforesaid, and shall at the same Time pay or remit to the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer of Chelsea Hos­pital, such Part of the said Monies as shall remain in his or their Hands unpaid, to the Parties beneficially entitled to it, or to their Use; and in ease such Monies shall not be paid over or remitted to the said Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer within the Time limited by this Act, the same shall be recoverable from the Person detaining the same by Action for Money had and received, or otherwise in the Name of such Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer of the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea, and the same when so paid in or recovered, shall be for the Use of the Parties beneficially entitled thereto, and be otherwise applied as forfeited and unclaimed Shares of Army Prize are by the said recited Acta and this Act directed to be applied; and in case any Person or Persons upon whom any such Precept shall be served as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to deliver, or transmit such Account within the Time limited by this Act, he Or they shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay to the Use of the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea the Sum of Fifty Pounds, to be recovered by Action of Debt, to be brought in the Name of the Deputy Treasurer of the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea for the Time being, in either of His Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster; or in Case the Offender or Offenders shall reside Abroad in any Court of Record of the Country of which he shall be an Inhabitant at the Time the Offence shall be committed, unless sufficient Cause shall be shewn to the Satisfaction of the Commissioners of the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea, why such Precepts have not been complied with;

Treasurer to have Access to the Books, &c. of the Persons to whom Precepts are issued.X. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer of the Said Royal Hospital at Chelsea, with respect to all Monies which shall have been received by such Person or Persons as last aforesaid, under any Power or Powers, Order or Orders executed subsequent to the passing of the said recited Act of the Fifty-first Year of His present Majesty, at all Seasonable Times to have Access to the Books, Papers, Accounts, and vouchers of any Person or Persons to whom such Precepts shaft be directed, relative to the Transactions of which such Precepts shall have Reference; and such Person or Persons is and are hereby required to produce the same to the said Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer, whenever he or they shall be required so to do in order that such Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer may peruse, examine, and take Extracts or Copies,of so much thereof as he may think proper; and in case any such Person or Persons as last aforesaid shall refuse, or neglect to produce such Books, Papers, Accounts, and Vouchers, or any or either of them, upon Ten Days' Notice to be given to him or them for that Purpose, he or they shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence, to the Use of the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea the Sum of Fifty Pounds, to be recovered by Action of Debt in the Name of the Deputy Treasurer of the said Hospital for the Time being, in either of His Majesty's Courts of Record at, Westminster, Unless sufficient Cause shall be shewn to the Satisfaction of the Commissioners of the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea, why such Books, Papers, Accounts, and Vouchers shall not have been produced as aforesaid.

XI. And