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52 Georgii III. Cap. cxxxii, cxxxv.

After Service of Precept, the Balance in Hand of the Money paid over to the Persons to whom the Precepts are directed shall become the Property of the Commissioners of Chelsea Hospital.XI. And be it further enacted, That from and immediately after the Service of any such Precept as aforesaid, all Monies received under such Powers or Orders as aforesaid, which shall at that Time be in the Hands of the Person or Persons to whom such Precept shall be directed, shall be deemed and considered to be the Property of the Commissioners of the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea, to be applied by them nevertheless in the Manner by this and the said recited Acts directed, and with respect to Monies which may have been received by such Person or Persons as aforesaid, under any Power or Order, Powers or Orders, which shall have been made and executed, subsequent to the passing of the said recited Act of the Fifty-first Year of His present Majesty, in Case the said Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer shall upon Inspection of the Vouchers and other Documents relating to any Account which shall be rendered an d delivered in Obedience to any such Precept or Precepts as aforesaid, (which Vouchers and other Documents, by this Act they are authorized and empowered to call for and inspect,) be dissatished with such Account, and have Reason to believe that the Payments therein stated to have been made, or any or either of them have not been really and truly made, or that such Account is in any other Respect fraudulent or defective, it shall be lawful for such Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer of Chelsea Hospital, and they are hereby respectively authorized and empowered to file a Bill in Equity against such Person or Persons in order to such Account being regularly taken and examined, and other Proceedings being had relative thereto, according to the usual Course of Courts of Equity, such Bills to be filed in the Name of the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer of the said Royal Hospital at Chelsea for the Time being, and not to be considered defective on Account of the Persons beneficially entitled to the Monies which shall be the Subject of them not being made Partles thereto.

52 GEORCII III. CAP. cxxxv.

An Act For advancing Two millions five hundred thousand Pounds to the East India Company, to enable them to discharge Part of the Indian Debt.

[18th June 1812.]

WHEREAS it has been resolved, that a Sum not exceeding Two millions five hundred thousand Pounds be granted to His Majesty, for the Purpose of enabling His Majesty to advance the like Sum to the United Company of Merchants of England, for their Relief under their present Circumstances; and it has been provided that the said Sum of Two millions five hundred thousand Pounds shall be raised, together with other Sums amounting together to Twenty-two millions five hundred thousand Pounds by Annuities: and by the Terms of the Loan in which the said Sum of Twenty-two millions five hundred thousand Pounds is to be raised, the Capital Stock created in respect of the said Sum of Two millions five hundred thousand amounts to Three millions Reduced Three Pounds per Centum Annuities, and to One million four hundred thousand Pounds Consolidated Three Pounds per Centum Annuities respectively transferable at the Bank of England; and it has been agreed, that the Interest or Annuities to be payable in respect of the said Sum of Three millions Reduced Three Pounds per Centum Annuities, and the said Sum of One million four hundred thousand Pounds Consolidated Three Pounds per Centum Annuities, and the Annual Sums to be paid on Account of the Sinking Fund for Redemption and for Charges of Management there of respectively, should be charged and be deemed and considered to be Charge upon the Revenues of the British Territories in the East Indies, and shall be advanced by the said United Company in London, to answer the said Interest, Sinking Fund, and Charges of Management; be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, The Commissioners of the Treasury authorized to advance the East India Company a Sum of Money for their Relief. That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Commissioners or His Majesty's Treasury, or any Three or more of them, and they are hereby required at any Time before the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and thirteen, to advance and pay to the said United Company, out of the said Sum of Twenty-two millions five hundred thousand Pounds to be raised as herein before is mentioned, any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding in the whole the said Sum of Two millions five hundred thousand Pounds, and at such Times as shall be required by the said United Company, for their Relief as herein-before me tioned, and that such Sums shall be issued and paid without any Fee or other Deduction whatsoever; Providedalways