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An Act to extend the Provisions of an Act passed in the Thirty sixth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for the Relief of Persons equitably entitled to Stocks and Annuities transferable at the Bank of England, and of an Act passed in this present Session for the Relief of Infant Suitors entitled to the like Stocks and Annuities, to all other transferable Stocks and Funds.

[29th July 1812.]

36 G. 3. c.96Whweras by intituled, An Act for the Relief of Persons equitably and beneficially entitled to or interested in the several Stocks and Annuities transferable at the Bank of England," Provision is made for the Transfer and Receipt of Dividends under and by the Direction of His Majesty's High Court of Chancery, or of the Court of Exchequer, of and on Stocks and Annuities transferable at the Bank of England, standing in the Name or Names of any Person or Persons who being Trustee or Trustees, or the legal personal Representative or Representatives of any such Person or Peroens, shall be absent out of the Jurisdiction, or not amenable to the Process of the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer, or who are Bankrupt or Bankrupts, Lunatic or Lunatics, or who shall refuse to transfer the stock or Annuities legally vested in him, her, or them, or to receive or pay over the Dividends of such Stock or Annuities to the Person or Persons beneficially entitled thereto, or in case it is uncertain or unknown whether such Trustee or Trustees, Representative or Representatives, is or are living or dead; and by the same Act Provision is made for the Transfer under the Direction of the Lord Chancellor of Stocks and Apnuities transferable at the Bank of England, standing in the Names of Persons declared or adjudged Bankrupt in his, her, or their own Right, and for Receipt of the Dividends of such Stock and Annuities; and by the same Act Provision is made for Transfer under the like Direction of Stock and Annuities transferable at the Bank, standing in the Name or Names of a Lunatic or Lunatics in his, ber, or their own Right, or in the Name or Names of the Committee or Committees of his, her, or their Estate or Estates, in Trust for the said Lunatic or Lunatics, or as part of his, her, or their Property. And whereas by an Act passed in this present Session of Parliament, intituled, 52 G. 3. C. 32."An Act for the Relief of Infant Suitors in Courts of Equity, entitled to Stock or Annuities in any of the Public or other Funds, transferable at the Bank of England," it is enacted, that it shall be lawful for the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer to order and direct all or any Dividends due · to any Infant or Infants, on any of the Public or other Stocks, Funds, or Annuities, transferable in the Books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, standing in the Name or Names of such Infant or Infants, and to which such Infant or Infants is or are beneficially entitled, to be paid for the Use and Benefit of such Infant or Infants: And whereas it is expedient that the Operation of the said Acts respectively should be extended to South Sea Stock, East India Stock, and all other transferable Stocks, Annuities, and Funds; be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirititual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, Provisions of recited Acts extended to South Sea Stock, East India Stock, and all other Stocks.That all and every' the Provisions and Enactments in the said several Acts contained, in any ways relating to any Stocks or Annuities, transferable at the Bank of England, or transferable in the Books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or to any Dividends on such Stocks or Annuities, shall be deemed and construed to extend, and are hereby extended to South Sea Stock, East India Stock, and all other Stocks, Annuities, and Funds transferable or to be made transferable in the Books of the South Sea Company, or in the Books of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, or in the Books of any other Company or Society established or to be established, and to the Dividends payable thereon respectively, as fully as if such several Provisions and Enactments mutatis mutandis were here inserted at Length.

Court of Chancery to give the Orders necessary for the Performance of certain DutiesII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That in all Cases in which by the said first recited Act any Act is directed to be done by the Accountant General, or the Secretary or Deputy Secretary for the Time being of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, the same Acts, so far as they relate to South Sea Stock, East India Stock, or any other Stocks or Annuities to which the Enactments and Provisions of the said recited Acts are hereby extended, shall be done by such Persons as shall be appointed for that Purpose by the several Orders of the Court ofChancery