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52 Georgii III. Cap. clviii, clix, clxixviii.

Chancery or Court of Exchequer, or of the Lord High Chancallor, under the Authority of which such Acts respectively are to be done.

Acts done under this Act not to be impeached.III. And be it enacted, That this present Act shall be, and is hereby declared to be, a fall and complete Indemnity and Discharge to the South Sea Company, the East India Company, and all other Companies and Societies, and their Officers and Serwents, for all Things done or permitted to be done pursuant thereto, and that the same shall not be questioned or impeached in any Court of Law or Equity to their Prejudice or Detriment.


An Act for charging Foreign Liquors and Tobacco derelict, Jetsam, Flotsam, Lagan, or Wreck, brought or coming into Great Britain, with the Duties payable on Importation of such Liguors and Tobacco.

[29th July 1812.]

WHEREAS Doubts have arisen whether Foreign Liquors and Tobacco derelict, Jetsam, in Force subject and liable to the Payment of Duties; and such Foreign Liquors and Tobacco have by reason of such Doubts been sometimes sold and carried into Consumption without any Duties having been paid for or in respect thereof, to the great Loss of His Majesty's Revenue, and Injury of Persons dealing in such Liquors and Tobacco, for or in respect whereof, the Duties have been paid on Importation, be it therefore declared and enacted by the King's Most Excel lent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the LordsaSpiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, Liquors and Tobacco derelict, &c. liable to the same Duties as Liquors, and Tobacco regularly imported:That all such Liquors and Tobacco derelict, Jetsam, Flotsan, Lagan, or Wreck, brought or coming into this Kingdom, are and shall be subject and liable to the Payment of the same Duties as Liquors and Tobacco of the like Kind regularly imported, are by any Law or Laws now in Force subject and liable to, and shall also be entitled to such Drawbacks, and be subject to such Allowances and Abatements as Liquors and Tobacco of the like Kind regularly imported are entitled and subject to, any Law, Custom, or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding.


An Act for further continuing, until the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, and from thence until the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the Powers of the Commissioners appointed in pursuance of an Act of the Forty-sixth Year of His present Majesty, for enabling the Commissioner's acting in pursuance of an Agreement between the East India Company and the private Creditors of the Nabobs of the Carnatic, to carry the same into Effect.

[9th July 1812.]

WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament made in the Forty-sixth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, 46 G. 3. c: 133. "An Act for enabling the Commissioners acting in Execution of an Agreement made between the East India Company, and the private Creditors of the Nabobs of the Carnatic, the better to carry the same into Effect;" certain Powers and Authorities are given to Commissioners for the Time being, acting in England and in India, in Execution of certain Articles of Agreement bearing Date the Tenth Day of July, in the Year One thousand eight hundred and five, between the United Company of Merchants of England tradingto