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An Act to allow a Bounty upon the Exportation of Stuffs of Silk ornamented with Embroidery, Tambour, Needle Work, Lace, or Fringe, and upon the Exportation of Ribbons made of Silk mixed with Inkle or Cotton.

[12th July.1813.]

WHEREAS it is expedient to give further Encouragement to the Silk Manufacturers of Great Britain; be it therefore enacted by the King's. Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled,and by Authority of the same, Bounties allowed on the Exportation Stuffs on Silk ornamented with Embroidery, &c.;That from and after the Twenty-fifth Day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, the same Bounties which by the Laws in Force are payable respective upon the Exportation from Great Britain of Stuffs of Silk mixed with Gold or Silver, Stuffs of Silk mixed with Inkle or Cotton, and Stuffs of Silk and Worsted, shall be allowed and paid on such Stuffs respectively, although the same may be ornamented with Embroidery, Tambour, Needle Work, Lace, or Fringe, provided the Ornaments on or attached to the Stuffs mixed with Gold or Silver, and likewise the Stuffs of Silk only, or of Silk, Gold, and. Silver, or either or all of them, and that the Ornaments on or attached to the Stuffs of Silk mixed with Inkle or Cotton, and likewise to the Stuffs of Silk mixed with Worsted, are of Silk, Inkle, Cotton, Worsted, or either or all of them.

And on the Exportation of Ribbons mixed with Inkle or Cotton.II. And be it further enacted; That the Bounty which by the Laws in Force is payable upon the Exportation of Stuffs of Silk mixed with Inkle or Cotton shall be allowed and paid on Ribbons made of Silk mixed with Inkle or Cotton: And such Bounties respectively shall be paid and allowed in the same Manner, Conditions. and subject to the same Conditions, Rules, Regulations, Restrictions, Penalties, and Forfeitures, as are directed and provided by the Laws in Force with respect to any other Bounty: on Manufactures of Silk exported from Great Britain, so far as the same are applicable and not hereby altered: Provided always, that no Bounty shall be paid or allowed on any of the said Silk Manufactures, unless the Value of the Goods at the Port of Exportation is at least Four Times the Amount of the Bounty claimed thereon.


An Act to amend an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled "An Act for the more effectual Regulation of Pilots and of the Pilotage of Ships and Vessels on the Coast of England, and for the Regulation of Boatmen employed in supplying and Vessels with Pilots, licenced under the said Act, so far as relates to the Coast of Kent within the Limits of The Cinque Ports."

[13th July 1813.]

52 G. 3. c. 39.WHEREAS an Act passed in the Fifty-secord Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled "An-Act for the more effectual Regulation of Pilots, and of the Pilotage of Ships and Vessels, on the Coast of England:" And whereas it is necessary for the ensuring a proper Supply of Pilots under the said Act for Vessels passing Dover and through The Downs, to and from the River Thames and other Places, that further Provisions should be made for the licensing and Regulation of Boatmen usually employed in putting Pilots on board of Vessels from Dover, Deal, and Ramsgate and Margate: May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same,Warden of the Cinque Ports to license Boatmen to assist Vessels in Distress, and carry off Pilots.That One hundred and forty Boatmen shall be licensed by the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, or by his Lieutenant, or by the Deputy Lieutenant Governor of a Vessels Dover Castle, or such other Person or Persons as shall be from Time to Time specially authorized by the Lord Warden for that Purpose within the Jurisdiction of the Cinque Ports, for the Purpose of assisting Ships in Distress and conducting them into and out of the Harbours of Dover, Ramsgate, Margate, and Folkstone, and putting licensed Cinque Port Pilots on board of Ships and Vessels coming from the Westward and bound up the River of Thames and Medway; and Fifty of suchBoatmen