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53 Georgii III. Cap. cxl.

Boatmen shall constantly reside at Dover, Fifty at Deal, Twenty at Ramsgate, and Twenty at Margate; and all such Boatmen shall be respectively required by such Licences so to reside at the respective Places to be specified in their Licences, and shall, upon quitting their Places of Residence, or neglecting to use or act under the same for the Space of Two Months, unless pre­ vented by Illness, forfeit such Licences;Boatmen to be examined before Licence granted.and all such Boatmen, before any Such Licence shall be given as aforesaid, shall be examined as to their Knowledge of the Coast, and their Ability to conduct Ships and Vessels into The Downs, and the Harbours of Dover, Ramsgate, and Margate, and Folkstone, by the Commissioners of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports for settling Salvage and the other Commissioners appointed by this Act, at the respective Places where such Boatmen shall apply to be licensed at a Meeting to-be held for the Purpose of this Act, upon whose Certificate the Lord Warden or his Lieutenant, or the Deputy Lieutenant Governor of Dover Castle, or such other Person or Persons as shall be authorised as aforesaid, shall be, and are hereby authorised and empowered to grant such Licences as aforesaid; and if the Number of Persons so approved and qualified to act as such licensed Boatmen shall exceed the Number Prescribed by this Act, the Names of the Persons so approved and qualified shall be entered in a Book to be pro­vided for that Purpose, together with the Times of their Approval and Examination, in order that they may regularly succeed by Rotation to the Vacancies that may from Time to Time occur of such licensed Boatmen; and Licences shall thereupon be granted to such Boatmen, in such. Order and Rotation from Time to Time as Vacancies arise by Death or Forfeiture of Licences or other­ wise, in order that such Number of licensed Boatmen for such respective Places as aforesaid may at all Times be complete.

Rates to Boatmen for putting Pilots on board of Vessels:VIII. And be it further enacted, That a11 such licensed Boatmen shall be paid the Rates now allowed for putting Cinque Port Pilots on board Ships, or Vessels, but shall not be entitled to any such Rates unless the Pilot is actually shipped and put on board of such Ships or Vessels, and such Boatmen shall be entitled to demand; have, and receive the Sum of Five Shillings for every Foot of the Draught of Water of any Vessel piloted by them into any of the said Harbours, and Three Commissioners. Shillings for every Foot Draft of Water for piloting out of any of the.said Harbours; In Cases of Distress, to be settled by Commissioners. and such Payments shall in both Cases include the Hire of the Boat and Crew in moderate Weather; but if such Pilotage or Assistance shall take place under any Circumstances of Distress; then such Boat­men shall be allowed such Sum as the said Commissioners of Salvage Of the Lord Warden shall in each such Caste award.

Commissioners may settle Disputes between Boatmen and Passengers, as to Sums to be paid for landing such Passengers from Ships.IX. And whereas Impositions are often practised upon Passengers landed from Vessels, and Disputes often arise as to the Sums proper to be paid in such Cases; for Remedy whereof, be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Commissioners Of Salvage at any of the Ports and Places for which Commissioners of Salvage shall be appointed, upon the Application of any Boatman or of any Passenger or Passengers landed by any Boatman at any such Ports or Places respectively, to hear and in a summary Manner to settle any Dispute which shall arise between any such Boatman or Passenger, and to fix and adjust the Sum to be paid by such Passenger or Passengers respectively, for any Service which shall have been performed by such Boatman or Boatmen in the bringing on Shore or landing from any Ship or Vessel any Passenger or Passengers, or the Goods Or Baggage of any Passenger or Passengers, and to make such Order in relation thereto as shall appear to the said Commissioners to be necessary and proper; and such Commissioners shall for that Purpose use and exercise all such and the like Powers and Authorities as are given to them in case of Salvage, by the said recited Act of the Forty-eighth Year aforesaid.

Licensed Boatmen cruising without a Pllot, to leave one of the licensed Boatmen on board of any Ship as Guarantee for bringing off Pilot.X. And be it further enacted, That no more than Two licensed Boatmen shall be allowed to go in teach Boat; and in every Case in which any such licensed Boatmen shall be cruising without any licensed Cinque Ports Pilot, arid shall fall in with any Ship or Vessel requiring, a licensed Cinque Port Pilot, One of the licensed Boatmen shall be left on board the Ship or Vessel wanting such Pilot, as a Guarantee for a proper licensed Cinque Ports Pilot being brought or sent off the Shore to such Ship or Vessel; and the Boatman so left shall not be entitled to any Sum of Money or Payment for being so left, or being on board of such Ship or Vessel.

Boats of licensed Boatmen to be marked on the sails with distinguishable Letters.XI. And be it further enacted. That every such licensed Boatman having a Boat, shall cause the Number of his Licence to be distinctly painted in Figures on each Bow and Quarter of such Boat, and on both Sides of every one of the Sails thereof, with the Addition for the Dover Boats, of the Roman Letters D. R. in Black; the Deal Boats, the Letter D. in Black; the Ramsgate Boats, the Letter R. in Black; the Margate Boatd, the Letter M. in Black, which Figures and Letters shall be at least Eighteen Inches in Length, and Twelve Inches in Breadth; And every licensed Boatman who shall not have the proper Number and Mark distinctly painted in Manner aforesaid,on