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53 Georgii III. Cap. clv.

of the said United Company's present Charter, save and except the Dominions of the Emperor-of China, should be open to all His Majesty's Subjects, in common with the said United Company; subject to certain Regulations and Provisions; but that the existing. Restraints respecting the Commercial Intercourse, with China should be continued, and the exclusive Trade in Tea preserved to the said Company, during the further Term hereby limited: May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, Former territorial Acquisitions in India, with late Acquisitions on the Continent of Asia, or in any Island North of the Equators, to continue in the Government of the East India Company, for a further term.That the Territorial Acquisitions mentioned in the said Act of the Parliament of Great Britain, of the Thirty-third Year of His pre, sent Majesty, together-with. such of the Territorial Acquisitions since obtained upon the Continent of Asia, or in any Islands situate to the North of the Equator, as are now in the Possession of and under the Government of the said United Company, with the Revenues thereof respectively shall remain and continue in the Possession and under the Government of the said United Company, subject to such Powers and Authorities for the Superintendance, Direction and Controul over all Acts, Operations, and Concerns which relate to the Civil or Military Government or Revenues of the said Territories, and to such further and other Powers, Authowties, Rules, Regulations, and Restrictions, as have been already made or provided by any Act or Act of Parliament in that Behalf, or are made and provided. by this Act, for a further Term, to be completed from the said Tenth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and fourteen, until the same shall be determined by virtue of the Proviso hereinafter contained.

Exclusive Trade with China, and Trade in Tea; and Provisions of former Acts not repealed by or repugnant to this Act; continued during further Term.II. And be it further enacted, That the sole and exclusive Right of trading, trafficking, and using the Business of Merchandize in, to, and from the Dominions of the Emperor of China, and the whole, sole, and exclusive Right of trading and trafficking in Tea, in, to, and from all Islands, Ports, Havens, Coasts, Cities, Towns and Places, between the Cape of Good Hope and the Streights of Magellan, in such Manner as the same Rights now are or.lawfully may be exercised or enjoyed by the said United Company, by virtue of any Act or Charter now in Force, but not farther or otherwise; and all and singular the Profits, Benefits, Advantages, Privileges, Franchises, Abilities, Capacities, Powers, Authorities, Rights, Remedies, Methods of Suit, Penalties, Forfeitures, Disabilities, Provisions, Matters-and Things whatsoever, granted to or vested in the said Company by the said Acts of the Thirty-third Year of His present Majesty or either of them, for and during the Term limited by the said Act of the Parliament of Great Britain, and all other the Enactments, Provisions, Matters.and Things contained in the said Acts of the Thirty-third Year of His present Majesty, or in any other Act or Acts whatsoever, which are limited, or may be construed to be limited, to continue for and during the Term granted to the said Company by the said Act of the Parliament of Great Britain of the Thirty-third: Year of His present Majesty, so far as the same or any of them are in Force, and not repealed by or repugnant to this Act, shall continue and be in Force during the further Term hereby granted to the said Company; subject to such Alterations therein as may be made by any of the Enactments, Provisions, Matters, and Things in this Act contained.

On the Expiration of Three Years Notice by Parliament, any Time after the 10th April 1831, and Payment of what is due from the Public to the Compnay the Term and the exclusive Trade to cease and be determined,III. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That at any Time upon Three Years Notice to be given by Parliament after the Tenth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, and upon Payment made to the said United Company, of any Sum or Sums of Money, which according to the Provisions of a certain Act of the Thirty-third Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, "An Act for placing the Stock, called East India Annuities, under the Management of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and ingrafting the same on the Three Pounds per Centum Reduced Annuities, in Redemption of a Debt of Four millions two hundred thousand Pounds owing by the Public to the Hast India Company; and for enabling the said Company to raise a Sum of Money by a further Increase of their Capital Stock, to be applied in Discharge of certain Debts of the said Company,"33 G. 3. c. 47. shall, or-may, upon the Expiration of the said Three Years, become payable to the said Company, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the said Act, then and from thenceforth, and not before or sooner, the said Term hereby granted to the said United Company, and all Right, Title, and Interest of the said United Company, to or in any exclusive Trade continued to the said Company under the Provisions of this Act, shall cease and determine.

Not to determine the Corporation of the Company or their Right to trade in common with others.IV. Provided also, That nothing in the said Proviso last herein-before contained, or in any Proviso in the said Act of the ninth Year of King William the Third, or in the said Charter of the Fifth Day of September in the Tenth Year of His Reign, or in any other Act or Charter contained, shall extend or be construed to extend, to determine the Corporation of the said United Company, or to hinder, prevent, or preclude the said Company or their Successors, from carrying on at all Times after such Determination of their exclusive Trade as aforesaid, a Free Trade in, to, andfrom