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53 Georgii III. Cap. cxl, clv.

on the Sails of his Boat, or who shall have any Sails on board not duly numbered and marked as aforesaid, or improperly numbered and marked, or who shall in any Manner evade or attempt to evade any of the Provisions of this Act, shall forfeit his Licence, and also a Sam not exceeding Ten Pounds.

Licensed Boatmen refusing to take off licensed Pilots to lose Licence.XIII. And be it further enacted, That every such licensed Boatman as aforesaid, who shall on being applied to by a licensed Cinque Port Pilot to take him off to any Ship or Vessel, refuse so to do, unless prevented by Illness, shall upon due Proof thereof to the Satisfaction of the Commissioners for executing this Act in the Place where he shall be licensed, forfeit his Licence, and any Sum of Money not exceeding the Sum of Twenty Pounds for each Offence.

Pilots neglecting to go off to any Vessel shall lose their Term. XIV. And be it further enacted, That if-any Pilot, whose Turn it shall be to go off on Duty, shall refuse or neglect so to do, on being applied to by any licensed Boatmen to go off to any Ship or Vessel, each Pilot neglecting or refusing to go off to such Ship or Vessel, shall lose his Turn, and such Ship or Vessel shall be piloted by any duly licensed Pilot who shall first get on board, but which shall not be taken for the Turn of Duty of such last-mentioned Pilot.


An Act for continuing in the East India Company, for a further Term, the Possession of the British Territories in India, together with certain exclusive Privileges; for establishing further Regulations for the Government of the said Territories, and the better Administration of Justice within the same; and for regulating the Trade to and from the Places within the Limits of the said Company's Charter.

[21st July 1813.]

33 G. 3. c. 51WHEREAS by an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain, passed in the Thirty-third Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for continuing in the East India Company, for a further Term, the Possession of the British Territories in India, together with their exclusive Trade, under certain Limitations, and for other Purposes, the Possession and Government of the British Territories in India, together with an exclusive Trade in, to, and from the East Indies, and other the Limits described in an Act made in the Ninth Year of the Reign of King William the Third9 & 10 W.3. c. 44., or in a certain Charter of the Fifth Day of September, in the Tenth Year of the same King, were continued in the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, for a Term thereby limited, under certaia Regulations and Conditions:33 G. 3. c. 31.(I.)And whereas by an Act of the Parliament of Ireland, passed in the same Thirty-third Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for regulating the Trade of Ireland to and from the East Indies, under certain Conditions and Provisions, for a Time therein mentioned, the exclusive Privileges granted to the said United Company by the said Act of the Parliament of Great Britain were confirmed, subject to certain Conditions and Restrictions: And whereas it is expedient that the Territorial Acquisitions mentioned in the said Act of the Parliament of Great Britain of the Thirty-third Year of His present Majesty, together with such other Territorial Acquisitions on the Continent of Asia, or in any Islands situate to the North of the Equator, as are now in the Possession and under the Government of the said United Company, with the Revenues thereof, should, without Prejudice to the Undoubted Sovereignty of the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in and over the same, or to any Claim of the said United Company to any Rights, Franchises, or Inmunities, remain in the Possession and under the Government of the said United Company for a further Term; subject to such Powers and Authorities for the Superintendance, Direction, and Controul over all Acts, Operations, and Concerns, which relate to the Civil or Military Government or Revenues of the said Territories, and to such further or other Powers, Authorities, Rules, Regulations, and Restrictions, as have been already made or provided by any Act or Acts of Parliament in that Behalf, are made and provided by this Act: And whereas it is expedient that from and after the Tenth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and fourteen, the Right of trading, trafficking, and adventuring, in, to, and from, all Ports and Places within the limits of