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53 Georgii III. Cap. clv.

of the gross Prices or Sale Amount of the said Goods; and that all such Articles imported on board any such Ship, and deposited in the Warehouses of the said Company, and the Sales thereof, shall be in all Respects subject to the Bye Laws of the said Company; and the several Provisions of the said Act of the Parliament of Great Britain of the Thirty-third Year of His Majesty's Reign, made and provided for the Management of Private Trade; save only and except as is otherwise directed, provided, or authorised by this Act.

Treasury may authorize such Articles, when brought to Out Ports, to be removed to the Port of London, to be sold for Home Consumption.XVlII. Provided always, and be it further enacted. That it shall and may be lawful for the Lord High Treasurer or Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for the Time being, to permit Articles manufactured of Silk, Hair, Cotton Wool, or any Mixture thereof, which may have been imported under the Authority of this Act into any Part of the United Kingdom other than the Port of London, to be removed from such Port of Importation to the said Port of London for the Purpose of Sale for Home Consumption, under such and the like Regulations as any Goods, Wares or Merchandize, may be removed from the Port in Great Britain where first warehoused, to any other warehousing Port by virtue of an Act passed in the Fiftieth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, 50 G. 3. c. 64."An Act to permit the Removal of Goods, Wares and Merchandize from the Port in Great Britain where first warehoused, to any other Warehousing Port, for the Purpose of Exportation:" And all such Articles so removed, shall be deposited in the Ware­houses of the said United Company, and sold in the same Manner and under the same Regulations and Provisions, as if the same had been originally imported into the Port of London, and deposited in the Warehouses of the said United Company.

Such Articles, when entered and taken out of Warehouses for Exportation, to be charged ad valorem.XIX. And be it further enacted, That as well in the Port of London as in all other Ports, all Articles manufactured of Silk, Hair, Cotton Wool, or any Mixture thereof, which shall be imported under the Authority of this Act, from any Port or Place within the Limits of the said Company's Charter, and shall be entered and taken out of any Warehouse for Exportation, shall be charged according to their Value, under all such Rules and Regulations, and subject to the same Penalties and Forfeitures as are prescribed, directed, and imposed for ascertaining and col­lecting Duties to be paid according to Value, by an Act passed in the Twenty-seventh Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled 7 G. 3. c. 13."An Act for repealing the several Duties of Customs and Excise, and granting other Duties in lieu thereof, and for applying the said Duties, together with others composing the Public Revenue; for permitting the Importation of certain Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, the Produce or Manufacture of thee European Dominions of the French King, into this Kingdom; and for applying certain unclaimed Monies, remaining in the Exchequer for the Payment of Annuities on Lives, to the Reduction of the National Debt," or by any other subsequent Act or Acts now in Force.

Provisions may be made, for authorising Private Trade as Well between Places without as within the Com­pany's Limits, as be­tween the United King­dom and those Limits except China.XX. Provided always. That nothing herein contained shall extend or be Construed to extend to prevent the making, during the further Term hereby granted to the said Company, such further Provisions by Authority of Parliament as may from Time to Time be deemed necessary, for enabling His Majesty's Subjects to carry on Trade and Traffic directly or circuitously as well between all Ports and Places situate without the Limits of the said Company's Charter, and all Ports and Places (except the Dominions of the Emperor of China) situate within those Limits, as between the said United Kingdom, and all the last-mentioned Ports and Places except as aforesaid; but without Prejudice to any of the Restrictions or Provisions herein contained, as to the Resort to and Resi­dence of any Persons in the East Indies and Parts aforesaid.

31 G. 3. c. 42. relating to Saltpetre repealed.XXI. And be it further enacted, That so much of an Act passed in the Thirty-first Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled "An Act for indemnifying all Persons who have been concerned in advising or carrying into Execution a certain Order of Council respecting the Importation of a limited Quantity of Saltpetre; for repealing the Duties now payable upon the Importation of Saltpetre, and for granting other Duties in lieu thereof," as requires the said Company, at their public Sales to put up certain Quantities of Saltpetre at certain Rates; or to reserve and deliver into the Stores of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, certain Quantities of Saltpetre at certain Rates, shall be and the same is hereby repealed.

So much of 9. W. 3. c. 44. as requires that Goods of Private Traders imported into England or Wales, should be sold by Inch of Candle, repealed.XXII. And be it further enacted, That so much of the said Act of the Ninth Year of the Reign of King William the Third, or of any other Act or Acts, as requires that all Goods-and Merchandize belonging to any Private Trader to the East Indies, which shall be imported into England or Wales, shall be sold openly and publickly by Inch of Candle, shall be and the same is hereby repealed.