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53 Georgii III. Cap. clv.

So much of 33 G. 3. c.:52. as requires the Directors to lay before the Board, Invoices of Cordage &c. or as relates to Tonnages, Charges of Freight, Notices or registering of Private Trade Goods, or granting licenses for the same, or as requires an outward-bound Ship to touch at Cork, repealed. XXIII. And be it further enacted, That so much of the said Acts of the Thirty-third Year of the His present Majesty, or either of them, as requires the Court of Directors of the said Company to lay yearly before the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, an Invoice of the Quantities and Sorts of Cordage, Pitch, and Tar, and the Number and Sizes of Masts and Spars, and the Number and Weight of Anchors exported, or intended to be exported by the said Company; or as relates to the Admission of Individuals, by Authority of the said Board of Commissioners, to export or import any Goods, Wares; or Merchandize on board the said Company's Ships; or to the providing or appropriating by the said Company of Tonnage for the Private Trade, or to the Rate of Freight to be charged thereon; or to the Notices to be given to the Chief Secretary of the said Company, or to the Chief Secretary of the Presidency in India, by Persons intending to export or import Goods; or to the registering of or to the granting Orders or Licences for shipping such Goods in the Ships of the said Company, or as requires One or more of the outward-bound Ships of the said Company to touch at the Port of Cork between the Month of October and the Month of February in every Year; shall be, and the same is hereby repealed.

Goods exported or imported by the Company, to be subject to the same Duties as those exported or imported in Private Trade.XXIV. And be it further enacted, That all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize of or belonging to the said Company, exported or imported from or into any Ports or Places under the Government of the said Company in the East Indies, or other Places within the Limits of the said Company's Charter, shall be subject to the Payment of the like Rates, Customs, and Duties of Import and Export, as the Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes of the same Kinds or Sorts, exported or imported in Private Trade, under the Authority of this Act, are or shall be subject or liable to be charged with.

No Duties imposed in India to be valid until sanctioned by the Directors, and approved by the Board of Controul.XXV. And be it further enacted, That no new or additional Imposition of any Duty, or Tax upon the Export, Import or Transit of any Goods, Wares, or Merchandize whatsoever, made or to be made by Authority of the Governor General or Governor in Council, of any of the said Company's Presidencies or Settlements in the East Indies or Parts aforesaid, shall be valid or effectual, until the same shall have been sanctioned by the Court of Directors of the said United Company, with the Approbation of the said Board of Commissioners; which Sanction and Approbation shall be signified to the said Governments respectively by some public Dispatch from the said Court of Directors, describing cach Regulation for the purposes aforesaid, which shall be so sanctioned and approved by its Title at full Length, and expressing that the same is so sanctioned and approved; and all such Regulations, when promulgated in the East Indies by the said Governments, shall contain express Mention that the same are made with the Sanction of the said Court of Directors, and with the Approbation of the said Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, and such Mention shall be taken as conclusive Evidence of such Sanction and Approbation in all Courts of Justice.

Duty to Company on Private Trade, granted by 33 G. 3. c. 52. repealed.XXVI. And whereas, by virtue of the said Act made in the Ninth Year of King William the Third, the said Company were authorized to receive a Duty of five Pounds for every Hundred Pounds of the true and real Value of all Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes, of the Growth, Product, or Manufacture of the East Indies, or other Parts within the Limits aforesaid, imported or brought into the Kingdom of England in Private Trade, towards defraying certain Charges in the said Act mentioned and specified: And whereas the said Company, before the passing of the said Act made in the Thirty-third Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, had, over and besides the, said Duty of Five Pounds per Centum, been accustomed to charge and receive, for their own Use, after the Rate of Two Pounds per Centrem on the Gross Sale Amount of all Goods, Wares, and Mercbandize, imported into the Kingdom of Great Britain from the East Indies in Private Trade, in Recompence and Satisfaction of the Charges and Expences of unshipping and selling the same, and otherwise in the Care and Management thereof: And, whereas by the first mentioned Act, 33 G. 3. c. 52. made in the Thirty-third Year of His present Majesty, it was enacted, that from and after the First Day of March One thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, the said Duty of Five Pounds per Centum should be repealed, and the said Charge of Two Pounds per Centum discontinued, and that in lieu thereof respectively, there should be rendered and paid to the said Company, during the further Term by the same Act granted to them in their exclusive Trade, a Duty or Allowance after the Rate of Three Pounds per Centum on the Gross Sale Amount of all Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes, imported or brought into this Kingdom from the East Indies in Private Trade, including in such Value or Account, all Duties and Charges payable respect thereof: Be it further enacted, That the said Duty or Allowance in respect of Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, imported in Private Trade, shall be, and the same is hereby wholly repealed.

XXVII. Provided