Page:A Collection of Charters and Statutes relating to the East India Company.pdf/46

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50 Georgii III. Cap. xlii, lv.
  £. s. d.
Iron, from Foreign Parts, for every £100 of the Value thereof [7 Geo. III. Cap. 45, and 20 Geo. III. Cap. 42.] 10 0 0
Spirits, viz. Foreign Brandy, imported from any Port or Place whatever, under any Licence from the Commissioners of Customs in England or Scotland, the Gallon [45 Geo. III. Cap. 90.] 0 3 0
Spirits, Foreign Geneva, imported from any Port or Place whatever, under any Licence from the Commissioners of the Customs in England or Scotland, the Gallon [45 Geo. III. Cap. 99.] 0 3 0
Spirits, foreign Rum, the like 0 3 0
N. B . Omitted in 45 Geo. III. Cap. 99. former Acts 7 Geo. III. Cap. 45. 20 Geo. HI. Cap. 42. and 21 Geo. III. Cap. 33
Tea, viz. Bohea Tea, the like, for every lb. Weight [45 Geo.III. Cap. 99.] 0 0 6
Tea, Green Tea, the like [45 Geo. Cap. 99.] 0 1 0
Tobacco, the like [45 Geo. Cap. 99.] 0 0 6
Timber from Foreign Parts, for every £100 of the Value thereof [7 Geo. III. Cap. 45. and 20 Geo. III. Cap. 42.] 10 0 0
Wine, viz. French, Wine imported from any Port or Place whatever, under any Licence from the Commissioners of the Customs in England or Scotland, the Tun containing 252 Gallons [45 Geo. III. Cap. 99.], 16 0 0
Wine, of any other Sort so imported under Licence, the Tun containing 252 Gallons [45 Geo. III. Cap. 99.] 12 0 0
Goods, Wares, and Merchandize not herein-before particularly enumerated, which are or may be entitled to any Bounty or Drawback of Excise in Great Britain, and which shall be imported from thence, for every £100 of the Value thereof [7 Geo. III. Cap. 45.] 5 0 0
Goods, Wares, and Merchandize not herein-before charged with Duty, imported from Great Britain of Ireland, for every £100 of the Value thereof [7 Geo. III. Cap. 45.] 2 10 0
Goods, Wares, and Merchandize not herein-before charged with Duty, imported from any Port or Place from whence such Goods may lawfully be imported into the Isle of Man [7 Gep. Ill, Cap. 45.] 15 0 0


An Act to prohibit the Importation of Italian Silk, Crapes, and Tiffanies, and to increase the Share's of Seizures payable to Officers in respect of Foreign wrought Silks and Foreign manufactured feather Gloves.

[9th June 1810.]

WHEREAS it is expedient to prohibit the Importation into Great Britain and the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, and Man, Of Foreign Silk, Crapes, and Tiffanies of every Description, except of China or the East Indies; be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excel­lent Majesty, by and with .he Advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same. No Foreign Silks, Crapes, &c. (except of China or the East In­dies for Exportation) shall be imported on Penalty of Forfeiture. That no Foreign Silk, Crapes, Or Tiffanies of any Description whatever) except of China or the East Indies, imported for Exportation, shall, from and after the passing of this Act, be imported, brought, or conveyed into the Kingdom of Great Britain, or the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, Sark, of Man; and if any such Foreign Silk, Crapes, or Tiffanies shall be found in the Cus­tody or Possession of any Person or Persons in Great Britain or the Islands aforesaid, and which shall not have been imported, brought, or conveyed into the same respectively, and on which the proper Duty of Customs shall not have been paid before the passing of this Act, the same shall be forfeited; If made up with Ap­parel, &c, both to be forfeited. and in case any such Foreign Silk, Crapes, or Tiffanies shall, at the Time of the Importation, be mixed, with, sewed, or made up with any Apparel, Garment, or Furniture, or other Materials, all such Foreign Silk, Crapes, and Tiffanies, and also the Apparel, Garment, or Furniture, and other Materials, in, with, or upon which the same shall be mixed, sewed, or made tip, shall be forfeited, and the Importer and Importers, and the Personand