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50 Gerogii III. Cap. lv, lxii.

and Persons in whose Custody or Possession the said Crapes of Tiffanies, or Apparel, Garment or Furniture, or other Materials shall be found, or who shall vend, utter, sell, or expose to sale, or otherwise dispose of any such Crapes or Tiffanies, or Apparel, Garment, Furniture, or other Materials, or who shall sew, work, or make up any such Crapes or Tiffanies in Great Britain or the Islands aforesaid, for in or, upon any Garment or wearing Apparel, shall be subject and liable to the like Penalties to Which the Importers and Persons having in their Custody or Possession, or vending, uttering, selling, or exposing to sale, or otherwise disposing or sewing, working, or making up any Foreign wrought Silks or Velvets are subject and liable by an Act passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty for prohibiting the Importation of Foreign wrought Silks and Velvets.


An Act for the more effectual Prevention of Smuggling in the Isle of Man.

[9th June 1810.]

WHEREAS divers Laws have been*made within these late Years for the more effectual preventing of Smuggling in the United Kingdom, and it is expedient that certain of the Provisions and Regulations therein contained should be extended to the Isle of Man and also that some further Provisions and Regulations applicable to that Island, should be made for, the same important Object; be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Fords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same. That from and after the Fifth day of July One thousand eight hundred and ten, Penalty on Persons found on board Vessels within certain Limits, or employed in unshipping Spirits, Tea, Tabacco &c. 100l. or Treble the Value of the Goods.every Person being a Subject of His Majesty, who shall be found or taken board of discovered to have been on board any Ship, Vessel, or Boat found or discovered to have been within any Bay, Harbour, River or Creek of or belonging to the Isle of Man, Or at anchor or hovering within Three Leagues of the Shores, thereof, such Ship, Vessel, or Boat having on board any Spirits, Tea, Tobacco, Coffee or Salt liable to Forfeiture by any Act Or Acts of Parliament force on or immediately before the passing of this Act, and who shall not prove that he was only a Passenger on board such Ship, Vessel, or Boat, and every Person found aiding or assisting in Unshipping any Spirits, Tea, Tobacco, Coffee or Salt being illegally on board such Ship, Vessel or Boat, within the Limits of any of the Ports of the said Isle without Payment of the Duties due thereon, or having, or who shall be found carrying, conveying, concealing, or assisting in the carrying, conveying or concealing any Spirits, Tea, Tobacco, Coffee or Salt, which shall have been clandestinely imported or illegally landed in the Said Isle, or who shall be found aiding or assisting in the loading or putting into any Ship, Vessel or Boat for the Purpose of being exported from the said Isle, any Spirits, Tea, Tobacco, Coffee or Salt, shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of One hundred Pounds, or Treble the Value of the Goods so illegally Unshipped, carried away, conveyed or concealed, or loaded or put off for the Purpose of Exportation at the Option and sub­ject to the Election and Discretion of the Commissioners of the Customs in England, and every such Offence may be inquired of, examined, tried, and determined in any Courts to be holden in His Majesty's Name, or by virtue of His Authority in the said Isle of Man, according to the usual Course of proceeding in such Courts respectively, at the Election of the said Commissioners,

III. Certain Officers may detain Persons found in Vessels having on board Spirits, Tea, Tobacco, &c. or assisting in unshipping the same, &c. without Payment Of Duties,&c.And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Commissioned Officer of the Army, or the Militia while embodied, or for any Commissioned Officer of any other of His Majesty's Military Forces while on Service in the said Isle of Man, Or for any Commissioned Officer of the Navy or Marines, or for any Officer of the Customs, and he and they is and are hereby autho­rised, empowered, and required, to stop, arrest, and detain any Person, being a Subject of His Majesty, who shall be found on board any Ship, Vessel, or Boat found and discovered to have been within any Bay, Harbour, River, or Creek of or belonging to the Isle of Man, or at anchor or hover­ing, within Three Leagues of the Shores .thereof, having, on board any Spirits, Tea, Tobacco, Coffee, or Salt, liable to Forfeiture by any Act of Parliament in force on and immediately before the passing of this Act, or who shall be found aiding or assisting in the unshipping any Spirits, Tea, Tobacco, Coffee, or Salt, within the Limits of any of the Ports of the said Isle of Man, without Payment of the Duties due thereon, or who shall he found carrying, conveying, or con­cealing, or assisting in the carrying away, conveying, or concealing any Spirits, Tea, Tobacco, Coffee, or Salt, which shall have been clandestinely imported or illegally landed in said Isle, orwho