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50 Georgii III. Cap. lxii, lxiv.

who shall be found aiding or assisting in loading or putting into any Ship, Vessel, or Boat, any Spi­rits, Tea, Tabacco, Coffee, or Salt, for the Purpose of being exported from the Isle, and to convey him before the Governor, Deputy Governor, or a Deemster there, who is and are hereby autho­rised and reqiured, upon Proof on Oath (which he and they is and are hereby authorised and required to administer) by one or more credible Witness or Witnesses, that such Person was so found or taken or having been on board any such Ship, Vessel, or Boat, or aiding or assisting in such unshipping, carrying away, conveying, or, concealing of Spirits, Tea, Tobacco, Coffee, or Salt, without Payment of the Duties, or in the loading or putting into any Ship, Vessel, or Boat, any Spirits, Tea, Tabacco, Coffee, or Salt, for the Purpose of being exported from the said Isle, unless any such Person found on board of any such Ship, Vessel, or Boat, shall prove to the Satisfaction of such Governor, or Deputy Governor, or Deemster, that he was only a Passenger on board such Ship, Vessel, or Boat, to bold such Person to Bail, with Two good and sufficient Sureties, in the Sum of One hundred Pounds each, for the Appearance of such Person to answer to any Information that may be brought against him in that Behalf in the said Isle of Man, and to pay such Penalty, and abide any Judgment for any such Offence; and in Default of any such Person finding good and sufficient Bail as aforesaid, or until the same shall be found, to commit such Person to any Gaol or Prison, or House of Correction, in the said Isle, to answer as aforesaid; Such Persons, if fit, may be put on board any Ship of War to serve his Majesty for a certain Period, &c. Provided nevertheless, that if any Person so found, or discovered and taken, arrested or detained, is capable and desirous of entering and serving as a Seaman or Marine in any of His Majesty's Ships of War, or being a Seaman or Seafaring Man, is fit and able to serve His Majesty, it shall be lawful for the Officer or Officers of the Army, Militia, Navy, or Marines, or of the Customs, by whom such Person was taken, arrested, and detained as aforesaid, or the Governor, Deputy Governor, or Deemster, before whom any such Person may be carried, and such Officer and Officers is and are herby autho­rised, empowered, and required, instead of taking such Person before the Governor, Deputy Govenor, or Deemster, and such Governor, Deputy Governor, or Deemster is and are hereby authorized, instead of holdiog any such Person to Bail, to carry and convey, or cause to be carried or Conveyed, such Person on board any of His Majesty's Ships of War, in order to his being entered and received as a Seaman or Marine; or any such Person being a Seaman or a seafaring Man may, fit and able to serve His Majesty, be impressed into His Majesty's Naval Service, and for that Purpose may be conveyed to any Ship of Vessel of War in His Majesty's Service, or delivered over to any Officer employed in His Majesty's Imprest Service; and such Person being so entered and received or impressed, shall not on any Account be discharged from His Majesty's Service during the Term of Five Years and from thence until the Conclusion of any War in which His Majesty may be engaged at the Period of the Expiration of such Five Years, unless disabled within that Time by Unavoidable Accident or bodily Infirmity; and any Officer of His Majesty's Navy or Marines, who shall presume knowingly and wilfully to discharge any Person so entered and received or impressed as aforesaid contrary to this Act, or shall by false Muster or Certificate, or in Consideration of a Gratuity of any Kind, or by any other collusive or evasive Ways or Means whatsoever, suffer or permit any such Person to avoid the actual Service hereby intended, every such Officer shall on Conviction for any such Offence, either by any Court Martial, or on any Information filed by His Ma­jesty's Attorney General, be cashiered: Provided always, that no Person so taken, arrested, or detained, and entering as a Seaman, or being impressed, shall be liable to forfeit any such Penalty of treble Value, or One hundred pounds as aforesaid. Unless such Person shall thereafter desert His Majesty's Service, or quit the same without being duly discharged.


An Act to permit the Removal of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, from the Port in Great Britain where first warehoused, to any other warehousing Port for the Purpose of Exportation.

[9th June 1810.]

WHEREAS it may be expedient to permit the Removal of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize from the Port where first warehoused to any other warehousing Port within Great Britain for the Purpose of Exportation; be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same. That from and after the passing of thisAct,