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50 Georgii III. Cap., lxxxvi, lxxxvii.

without advertising, any Ship or Ships engaged in His Majesty's Transport or other Service to carry convicts or stores to New South Wales, the Cape of Good Hope, or Celyon for the Purpose of bringing Home Cargoes from China or India, at such Rate of Freight and Demurrage as they shall judge to be reasonable, so as no such Ship shall be hired or taken up for more than One Voyage.


Act to amend Two Acts, relating to the raising Men for the Service of the East India Company, and the Quartering and Billetting such Men; and to Trials by Regimental Courts Martial.

[15th June 1810.]

WHEREAS an Act passed in the Thirty-ninth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, 39 Geo 3. c. 109. "An Act for the better recruiting the Forces of the East India Company:" And Whereas an Act passed in the Twenty-seventh Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second", initituled, 27 G. 2. c. 9. "An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion of Officers and Soldiers in the Service of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, and for the Punishment of Offences committed in the East Indies or at the Island of Saint Helena:" And whereas it would tend to the more speedy recruiting of the Forces of the East India Company, if Men were permitted to enlist for a limited Time in the Service of the said Company, without engaging to serve in His Majesty's Forces; and Provision must in such Case be made for Quartering and Billetting, the Men so raised: And whereas it is also expedient that the Provisions of the said recited Act of His late Majesty King George the Second, as to Trials by Regimental Courts Martial, should be amended in relation to the Members and Witnesses being sworn, as now required on such Trials in His Majesty's Regular Forces; be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, His Majesty may order any of his Officers to enlist the Number of Men specified in recited Act of 39 G. c. 109. to serve in the Company's Forces in India for Life or a limited Time. by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That it shall be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, to order and cause such of His Officers as He shall see fit, to levy, enlist, and raise such Number of Men, either for Life or limited Service, as His Majesty shall from Time to Time think fit, not exceeding the Number of Men specified in the said recited Act of the Thirty-ninth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty aforesaid, for the special Purpose of serving in the East Indies in the Forces of the said United Company only; and the Recruits to be raised for such special Purpose, instead of taking the Oath of Fidelity appointed to be taken by the said recited Act of the Thirty-ninth Year aforesaid, or by any Act in force for the Punishment of Mutiny and Desertion, Oaths to be taken as in Schedule.shall take the Oath specified in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (A.); and instead of the Oath of Service prescribed by any Act in force for the punishing of Mutiny and Desertion, shall take the Oath in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (B.); which Oaths shall be administered by all Justices of the Peace and Magistrates before whom any such Recruits shall be carried for the Purpose of being attested; and the Certificate given upon such Attestation, shall be in the Form in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (C.).

Soldiers to be subject to the Mutiny Act till their Embarkation, then to be subject to the recited Act of 27 G. 2. c. 9.II. And be it further enacted, That all Soldiers enlisted into the Service of the said United Company of Merchants, shall be trained and disciplined and subject to such Command and Regulations, and at all Times and until their Embarkation be subject to all the Provisions of any Act in force for the Punishment of Mutiny and Desertion, and the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters, and after their Embarkation, to the Provisions of the said recited Act of the Twenty-seventh Year aforesaid, in like Manner as is prescribed in the said recited Act of the Thirty-ninth Year aforesaid; and all the Powers, Authorities, Provisions, Clauses, Rules, Regulations, and Restrictions, Penalties, and Forfeitures, contained and prescribed in the said recited Act of the Thirty-ninth Year aforesaid, shall extend and be in full force as to all Soldiers enlisted under and after the passing of this Act into the Service of the said United Company of Merchants, as fully and effectually, as if the same Were severally and respectively repeated and re-enacted in this Act and made Part thereof.

Powers of Acts relating to quartering, &c. to extend to this Act.III. And be it further enacted, That all the Powers, Authorities, Provisions, Clauses, Rules, Regulations, and Restrictions, and Penalties, and Forfeitures, contained and prescribed in any Act or Acts of Parliament in Force for the Time being, in relation to the quartering and billeting and provisioning of, and Allowances in respect of such quartering and billetting of Soldiers and Officers in His Majesty's' Service, and to the providing of Carriages for the Use of Soldiers, shall, from and after the passing of this Act, extend to all Soldiers enlisted for or transferred into the Service of the said United Company of Merchants, as fully and effectually as if the same were severally and sepa-rately