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50 Georgii III. Cap. lxxxvii.

rately repeated and re-enacted in this Act, and made Part thereof; any Thing in the said Act of the Thirty-ninth Tear aforesaid, or any other Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithstanding.

Men may enlist for Years, &c.IV. And whereas it is expedient to allow Men to enlist in the Service of the said United company for Twelve Years; be it therefore enacted. That it shall be lawful for any Person enlisting for limited Service in the Service of the said United Company, to enlist for Twelve Years, if at the Time of such enlisting be shall be of the Age of Eighteen Years and Upwards, and if he shall be under Eighteen Years of Age, then for such further Period beyond Twelve Years as shall be equal to the Difference between Eighteen Years and the Age of the Person so enlisting,

After the Expiration of the first Period the Men may re-enlist.V. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it shall he lawful for all Persons who shall have been enlisted for limited Service is the forces of the said United Company, after the Expiration of the first Period for which they shall have been severally enlisted, to re-enlist for such further Period as shall allowed and appointed by any Order of the Governor General in Council in Bengal.

Men serving in the Local Malita may edict.VI. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Person balloted or enrolled to serve or serving in the Local Militia, to enlist Or enter into the Service of the United Company of Merchants trading to the East Indies in like Manner and at such Times as any such Person might or may enlist or enter into His Majesty's Regular Forces.

His Majesty may direct the Manner of Trials by Courts MartialVII. And be it further enacted, That all Regimental and Garrison and other Courts Martial which shall be held for the Trial of any Offences Committed by the Troops in the Service of the said United Company, shall have full Power and are hereby authorized and required to take and administer such Oaths, and to proceed in such Manner in the Trial of Offences, as His Majesty shall from Time to Time think fit to order and direct.

Schedules to which this Act refers.


I A. B. being enlisted to serve in the [Infantry or Artillery, as the Case may be] of the East India Company, do swear, That I will bear true Allegiance to our Sovereign Lord King and that I will as in Duty bound defend him in His Person, Crown, and Dignity, against all His Enemies; and I swear, that I will also be true to the said United Company, and will duly observe and obey all their Orders, and the Orders of their Generals and Officers who shall be lawfully set over me.


I A. B. do make Oath, That I am [or, have been, as the Case may be] [state Occupation, if any, or state none] and to the best of my Knowledge and Belief was born in, [state County, Parish, or Place, &c.] and that I am of the Age of ———— Years; that I do not belong to the Militia or to any Regiment in His Majesty's Service, or to His Majesty's Navy or Marines; and that I will serve the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies until I shall be duly and legally discharged, [or, if the Recruit enlists for limited Service, then leave, out the Words scored under, and insert for the Period of Twelve Years [if the Person enlisting is of the Age of Eighteen Years or upwards, but if under Eighteen Years, then the Difference between his Age and Eighteen to be added to such Twelve Years, as the Case may be, and such Period to be inserted instead of Twelve Tears] provided the said United Company should for so long require my Service.


I ———— One of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace of ———— [or Chief Magistrate of ————] Do hereby certify That ————————

appeared to be ———————— Year old, ———— Feet ———— Inches high, ———— Complexion, ———— Eyes, ———— Hair, came before meat