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50 Georgii III. Cap. cxiv. 51 Georgii III. Cap. viii.

Authority of Parliament in lieu thereof, and that the said Company shall give Security by Bond or Bonds to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, for the due Repayment of all such Advances, together with the Charges incident to the same as aforesaid, within the Period, and in the Manner herein provided.

Exchequer Bills may be taken in Payment of Revenue.VI. And be it further enacted, that all and every the Exchequer Bills to be made forth by virtue of this Act, or so many of them as shall from Time to Time remain undischarged and uncancelled, shall and may from and after the Fifth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and eleven, be received and taken, and shall pass and be current to all and every the Receivers and Collectors in Great Britain of the Customs, Excise, or any Revenue, Supply, Aid or Tax whatsoever already granted, due, or payable, or which shall or may hereafter be granted, due, or payable to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and also at the Receipt of the Ex­chequer from the said Receivers or Collectors, or from any other Person or Persons, Bodies Politic or Corporate whatsoever, making any Payments there to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, for or upon any Account, Cause, or Occasion whatsoever, according to the purport and true Meaning of this Act; and that such of the same Bills as shall be received at the Exchequer shall and may be locked up and secured as Cash, according to the Course of the Exchequer settled and established by Law for locking up and securing Monies received in Specie there.

Bank may advance the Money. VII. And be it declared and further enacted. That it shall and may be lawful for the Governor and Company of the Bank of England to advance or lend to His Majesty, upon the Credit of the Exchequer Bills to be made out in pursuance of this Act, any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the Whole the Sum of One Million fire hundred thousand Pounds; any Thing in an Act made in the Fifth and Sixth ears of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary, intituled, "An Act for granting to Their Majesties several Rates and Duties upon Tonnage of Ships and Vessels, and upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, and for securing certain Recompences and Advantages in the said Act mentioned, to such Persons as shall voluntarily advance the Sum of One Million five hundred thousand Pounds towards carrying on the War against France," or in any subsequent Act, to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding.

Act may be altered this Session.VIII. And be it further enacted, That this Act may be altered, varied, or repealed by any Act or Acts to be passed in this Session of Parliament.


An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters.

[22nd March 1811.]

Sentence of Transportation in India, &c. to be notified by the Commander in Chief to some Judge of One of the Supreme Courts, who shall make Order for such Transportation in Manner directed by 39 and 40 G. 3. c. 79. s. 13.X.PROVIDED always, and be it further enacted, That whatever any Sentence of Transportation passed by any Court Martial holden in the East Indies or in His Majesty's Settlements of the Cape of Good Hope or Ceylon, or in any Settlement occupied by His Majesty's Forces beyond the Cape of Good Hope, is to be carried into Execution, or Mercy shall be extended to any Offender liable to the Punishment of Death by the Sentence of any Court Martial in the East Indies, upon Condition of Transportation, the same shall he notified in Writing by the Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in India, or in the Absence of the Commander in Chief, then by the Adjutant General, for the Time being, to some Judge of One of the Supreme Courts of Judicature of the Presidencies of Fort William, Fort Saint George, or Bombay, or the Chief Justice or other Judge at the Island of Ceylon or the Cape of Good Hope, or any such other Settle­ment as aforesaid, and thereupon such Judge shall make an Order for the Transportation of such Offender, upon the Terms and for the Time which shall be specified in such Notification, and shall also make such other Order or Orders, and do all such other Acts consequent upon the same, as any such Judge is authorized to make or do, under an Act passed in a Parliamentholden