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51 Georgii III. Cap. vili.

holden in the Thirty-nirtth and Fortieth Years of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, "An Act for establishing further Regulations for the Government of the British Territories in India, and he better Administration of Justice within the same," with respect to Offenders ordered to be transported by Sentence of the Criminal Courts in India and the Governor and Council of such Presidency respectively shall, and they are hereby required to take Order for the Transportation of all such Offenders accordingly.

Clause for Relief persons hastily enlist­ing themselves.LXXV. Provided nevertheless and it is hereby enacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the said Twenty-fourth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven, when and as often as any Person or Persons shall be inlisted as a Soldier or Soldiers in His Majesty's Land Service, he or they shall, within Four Days, but not sooner than Twenty-four Hours, after such inlisting respectively, be carried or go with some Officer, Non-commissioned Officer, or Private Soldier belonging to the Recruiting Party by which he shall be inlisted, or with the Person employed on the Recruiting Service with whom be shall have inlisted, before some Justice of the Peace of any County, Riding, City, or Place, or Chief Magistrate of any City or Town Corporate, residing or being next to, or in the Vicinity of the Place and acting for the Division or District where such Person or Persons shall have been inlisted and not being an Officer in the Army, and before such Justice or Chief Magistrate he or they shall be at Liberty to declare his or their Dissent to such inlisting; Such Persons not pay­ing the Inlisting and Subsistence Money within the limited Time to be deemed to be inlisted; in which Case, or if they insist, the Justices to read over to them certain Sections of the Articles of War and administer certain Oaths.,and upon such Declaration and returning the Inlisting, Money, and also each Person so dissenting paying the Sum of Twenty Shillings for the Charges expended or laid out upon him, together with such full Rate allowed by Law for the Subsistence or Diet and Small Beer furnished to such Recruit subsequent to the Period of his having been inlisted, such Person or Persons so inlisting shall be forthwith discharged and set at Liberty, in the Presence of such Justice or Chief Magistrate; but if, such Person or Persons shall refuse or neglect, within the Space of Twenty-four Hours, to return and pay such Money as aforesaid, he or they shall be deemed and taken to be inlisted, as if he or they had given his or their Assent thereto before the said Justice or Chief Magistrate; and if such Person or Persons of shall declare his or their having, voluntarily inlisted himself or themselves, then such Justice or Chief Magistrate shall, and be is hereby required forthwith to read over, or in his own Presence to cause to be read over, to such Person or Persons the Third and Fourth Articles of the Second Section, and the First Article of the Sixth Section, of the Articles of War against Mutiny and Desertion, and to tender and administer to such Person or Persons respectively not only the Oath of Fidelity mentioned in the said Articles of War, but also the Oath mentioned in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (A.), or if the Person shall be desirous of inlisting without any Limitation of Period of Service, the Oath in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (B.) and if such Person or Persons shall take the said Oaths, then such Justice or Chief Magistrate shall, and he is hereby required forthwith to, certify under his Hand the inlisting and swearing, together with the Place of the Birth, Age, and Calling, if known, of such Person or Persons ih. the Form mentioned in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (C.), if the Oath in the Form marked (A-j shall have been taken, and in the Form marked ( D.) of the Oath in the Form marked (B.) shall have been taken, Recruits inlisted under 39 G. 3 . c. 109 . for the East India Company's Service, &c. except in the Case of Recruits inlisted to serve either in His Majesty's Troops, or in the Forces of the East India Company, according as His Majesty shall think fit, in pursuance of an Act passed in the Thirty-ninth Year of, the Reign of His Majesty, intituled, "An Act for better, recruiting the Forces of the East India Company," in which Case every such Recruit shall, instead of the said Oath of Fidelity,,and of the Oath contained in the Schedule (A.) or (B.) to this Act annexed; shall take the Oath of Allegiance. take the Oath of Allegiance directed by the said Act of the Thirty-ninth of His Majesty, and contained in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (E.); and the Justice or Chief Magistrate shall certify such Inlistment and Swearing accordingly in;the Form mentioned in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (F.); Recruits inlisted under 50 G. 3, c. 87. shall take the Oaths in Schedules (G.) & (H.) and except also in the Case of Recruits enlisted for the special Purpose of serving in the East Indies in the Forces of the East India Company only, in pursuance of an Act passed in the Fiftieth Year of the Reign of His Majesty, intituled, "An Act to amend Two Acts relating to the raising Men for the Service of the East India Company, and the quartering and billetting such Men and; to Trials by Regimental Courts-martial," in which case every such Recruit shall, instead of the said Oath of Fidelity take the Oath directed to be taken by the said Act of the Fiftieth Year of His present Majesty aforesaid, and contained in rhe Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (G.), and instead of the Oath of Service contained in the Schedule (A.) or (B.) to this Act annexed, shall take the Oath directed to be taken by the said recited Act of the Fiftieth Year aforesaid, and contained in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (H.), and the Justice or Magistrate shall certify such Inlistment and Swearing accordingly, in the Form mentioned in the Schedule to this Act annexed, marked (I.); and if any such Person or Persons, so to be certified,, shall wilfully refuse to take the
